Sandra's Radical Unschooling site
Helen Hegener
At 4:17 PM +0000 3/30/01, wrote:
click on Sandra's link (above), and wow - what a very cool site!
Nice work, Sandra - I'll tell our HEM readers about it in this next
issue (which is going to the printer on Monday)!
>Message: 16I embarrassed to admit that I only this morning found (took!) time to
> Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:05:17 EST
> From: SandraDodd@...
>Subject: Re: from bookwork to no work?
>Sandra Dodd
click on Sandra's link (above), and wow - what a very cool site!
Nice work, Sandra - I'll tell our HEM readers about it in this next
issue (which is going to the printer on Monday)!
In a message dated 3/30/01 11:10:13 AM, HEM-Editor@...
<< Nice work, Sandra - I'll tell our HEM readers about it in this next
issue (which is going to the printer on Monday)!
<< Nice work, Sandra - I'll tell our HEM readers about it in this next
issue (which is going to the printer on Monday)!
A. Yates
Well, I have never been there, but I think Sandra is "cool". (and I've never
met her) :)
I was just this morning while walking with another homeschool Mom, telling
her that I wouldn't mind if she were my Mom... And.... My Mom is really
cool, always has been, and still is...
Sandra, thanks for YOU.... You really help us out here!!!!
Helen Hegener wrote:
met her) :)
I was just this morning while walking with another homeschool Mom, telling
her that I wouldn't mind if she were my Mom... And.... My Mom is really
cool, always has been, and still is...
Sandra, thanks for YOU.... You really help us out here!!!!
Helen Hegener wrote:
> At 4:17 PM +0000 3/30/01, wrote:
> >Message: 16
> > Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:05:17 EST
> > From: SandraDodd@...
> >Subject: Re: from bookwork to no work?
> >
> >Sandra Dodd
> >______________________________
> >
> I embarrassed to admit that I only this morning found (took!) time to
> click on Sandra's link (above), and wow - what a very cool site!
> Nice work, Sandra - I'll tell our HEM readers about it in this next
> issue (which is going to the printer on Monday)!
> Helen
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A. Yates
And BTW, Helen, you are pretty cool yourself! I LOVE HEM! I can hardly wait
for each issue....
I know I'm not the only one!
for each issue....
I know I'm not the only one!