Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1059
yuli womie
> How many of you out there have two homeschoolinggroups in your area?
> One Christian and one non-denominational. Our areahas just
> that split. I'm somewhat one of the leaders ofnon-denominational.
Our area has a *huge* Christian homeschooling group
that's been around forever. It's so big it's listed in
homeschooling book indexes. I don't belong to that
group; I belong to a small group of about 15 families
with maybe 7 families who participate on a very
regular basis. This group started out as a group of
moms who wanted to nurse, homebirth, avoid vaccines
(some of them) and homestead (some of them). When the
kids reached schoolage, it evolved into a
homeschooling group. Some of the members ended up
sending their kids to school and quitting the group,
and new members joined. I'm one of the newest members;
I've been with them about a year and a half.
The Christian group has big events, events they rent
arenas for and so forth, and they're really friendly
about letting other homeschoolers participate in those
events. I know homeschoolers who belong to no group at
all. But other than my small group and the big
Christian group, I don't know of any other groups in
my area. I live in Marquette, on Lake Superior, which
is a college town of about 25,000, surrounded by vast
forests and pockets of tiny towns. Ours is the biggest
town for about 300 miles around, I think. :) So I
don't know if there are tiny groups in tiny towns, but
in our county, I think we're the only 2 groups. It
must be amazing to live in a big city and have a big
choice of groups to take part in. Anyone have that
Whoever recommended Dream Snakes, thanks. We'll give
that a try. Juli
P.S. Don't worry about us new people raising our
eyebrows at the porn comments. Another egroup I belong
to was talking for days and days about the most
unusual places they ever had sex (I refrained from
commenting). This was sparked by someone mentioning
seeing some poor giraffes at the zoo trying to have
sex with tons of people watching. :)
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Bonnie M Paglialunga
----- Original Message -----From: Bonnie M PaglialungaSent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:54 PMSubject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1059ÿþ<
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Elizabeth Hill
>I live in Marquette, on Lake Superior, whichYes, I do. In my county there are several groups. However, I'm probably
>is a college town of about 25,000, surrounded by vast
>forests and pockets of tiny towns. Ours is the biggest
>town for about 300 miles around, I think. :) So I
>don't know if there are tiny groups in tiny towns, but
>in our county, I think we're the only 2 groups. It
>must be amazing to live in a big city and have a big
>choice of groups to take part in. Anyone have that
going to move and be in your boat soon.
P.S. (One of my dearest homeschooling friends here in Silicon Valley is
from Marquette, MI.)
Elizabeth Hill
>I do know how fortunate I am. I wish everyone had as many choices asHi, Cindy --
>the families here have!
I don't know how we are going to achieve that without everybody going out
and prostelytizing their neighbors. <g> And that sounds a little
overzealous. <eg>
But it would be nice!!!!