yuli womie

Wow, what an amazing amount of response to my
questions! I really appreciate it!

There's a lot to process in what you all said. I'll
have to read it a couple times. :) To answer some
questions, I don't know why I consider sci-fi trash.
Probably my English major background.;) Someone said
if I limit what he reads it could stifle his love of
reading. Thanks for that. I need to keep that in mind.

I don't *have* them do stuff like build models. But I
*will* grab a book from the library about Egypt
activities since they're into that Pharoah game, and
leave it lying around enticingly. Then they come to me
and say can we build this river delta? Now I'm
thinking I could leave some space activity stuff
around and soon they'll be building spaceships. :) I
do want to encourage the interest in science that
leads to wanting to read sci-fi. Luckily, I haven't
*sneered* at the sci-fi books. So I don't think he
senses disapproval.

Someone asked about why I'm worried about the scary
parts if I know he'll stop reading. Well, that's
because of my kids' sensitivity. My dd, for example,
loves marine animals, and she got a National
Geographic shark video, which had a graphic, bloody
attack scene at the very beginning. Of course she
stopped watching, but still, it was enough to have her
afraid to go in the ocean when we visited Texas, to
have her need to sleep with me for weeks, to have her
not want to read *any* marine animal books or watch
*any* movies that might have anything popl out at her
again. I guess I was worried that adult sci-fi would
have some sort of effect like that on my son.

Anyway, thanks again, SO MUCH, for all the advice.

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