Sharon Corage


I moved from Pa a bit over a year ago. (sigh of relief)

I know the law can be a burden but it is doable.

Find yourself an unschooling friendly evaluator!

I tried a couple different approaches to keep a log but my favorite I
discovered the year before we moved.
I used a check list that had all the required subjects listed. With a
simple checkmark next to anything we even slightly touched upon the log
was a done deal.

As far as the portfolio went, the kids and I played scavenger hunt all
year finding anything remotely academic looking to throw in there. I also
took a lot of pictures to put in there .

E-mail me privately if you'd like me to send you some examples of how I
tackled the paperwork.


On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 07:46:14 -0500 "mywheel" <mywheel@...> writes:
> Just wanted to add to my last post, remember, I just started
> unschooling
> about a month ago. :-)
> Anybody unschooling in PA?? I could use some suggestions on how to
> work my
> logs to go along with the unschooling.
> Thanks,
> Faith

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