The Mowery Family

Yes it was.  However, they started out the episode with everyone in BED.  No message there right?  No unwanted pregnancies, no STDs, no HIV.  But, if you are a loving caring mother who breastfed(as the mom in the show said), etc your child will DIE.  But, if you whore around with 2 or 3 different people during a season, apparently it makes you a more caring physician/nurse.  This type of BS has to stop, I am so irritated.
Karen Mowery
mom to a immunized til she was 2 child

>>>Not a 'you must have your children immunised or you
will all die'
Sigh. I'm facing the American embassy in London in a few weeks. I have
to see the embassy doc for a medical exam and explain why ky kids are
not immunised. It's one of the conditions for enetering the US as a
'alien' although there is a waiver form. Anyone know anyone who's used

> >Is anyone else watching E.R.
> They make the mother out to be a complete idiot!
> I am so
pissed right now I can't think.
> I used to really like this show but now
I'm so confused!!!!
> Kathy in TX.
> unschooler &

.>>>> However, they started out the episode with everyone in BED. No
message there right?

Another annoying thing about that is that the sex on TV is always between
unmarried people. Now, I am not a prude, but my point is that the ONLY
sex on TV is illicit sex. How about a show showing a married couple
making out?

Mary Ellen
alarm clock - n. a device for waking up people
who don't have small children.

Ashling Ranch

Mary Ellen,

You say you are not a "prude" - and I take you at your word, but your
description of sex between unmarried persons as "illicit" begs the


-----Original Message-----
From: megates@... <megates@...>
To: <>
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001 5:23 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: ER - or sex is good, not immunizing BAD

>.>>>> However, they started out the episode with everyone in BED. No
>message there right?
>Another annoying thing about that is that the sex on TV is always between
>unmarried people. Now, I am not a prude, but my point is that the ONLY
>sex on TV is illicit sex. How about a show showing a married couple
>making out?
>Mary Ellen
>alarm clock - n. a device for waking up people
>who don't have small children.
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In a message dated 2/16/01 4:25:43 PM, megates@... writes:

<< How about a show showing a married couple
making out? >>

Home Improvment always did portray Tim and Jill as having a healthy sex life.

Cosby show (although it's old, it's in reruns in some markets) they were
still obviously active.

Tracy Oldfield

That really saddens me, cos I've always loved the show, but don't
get to see it now cos it's on a digital channel which we can't get
yet :-( Though sometimes they've got up my nose, like with Carol
working when she had the twins, she didn't want to and no-one
said 'well you don't have to.' At least they showed her pumping
milk once or twice...

Ah, well, maybe I'm better off without if this is what they're doing...


> Yes it was. However, they started out the episode with everyone in
> BED. No message there right? No unwanted pregnancies, no STDs, no
> HIV. But, if you are a loving caring mother who breastfed(as the mom
> in the show said), etc your child will DIE. But, if you whore around
> with 2 or 3 different people during a season, apparently it makes you
> a more caring physician/nurse. This type of BS has to stop, I am so
> irritated.
> Karen Mowery
> mom to a immunized til she was 2 child
> >>>Not a 'you must have your children immunised or you will all die'
> episode?
> Sigh. I'm facing the American embassy in London in a few weeks. I have
> to see the embassy doc for a medical exam and explain why ky kids are
> not immunised. It's one of the conditions for enetering the US as a
> 'alien' although there is a waiver form. Anyone know anyone who's used
> it?<<<
> Shyrley
> > >Is anyone else watching E.R.
> > They make the mother out to be a complete idiot!
> > I am so pissed right now I can't think.
> > I used to really like this show but now I'm so confused!!!!
> > Kathy in TX.
> > unschooler & unimmunized

I had to get out my dictionary before responding to this one. Maybe I
would like to be a prude, as it comes from a French word meaning
"excellent woman". :-)

The point I was trying to make is that tv shows plenty of sexual
involvement between unmarried people, but not much between married
couples. And it's not just kissing - there is plenty of hopping in and
out of bed. It certainly sends young people a mixed message. "Illicit"
means "not allowed by law or custom". Isn't this what our society TELLS
young people?: "Only people married to each other should be sexually
active". Obviously, the reality is much different though. Maybe I
should have just said, "the sex on TV seems to be mostly between
unmarried people".

Now that I think of it, people without children might have more time and
energy for sex anyway. So maybe TV is more realistic than I'd thought it
was! Or maybe those married couples should spend less time watching TV
and more time...

OK, I'll quit now.
Mary Ellen

John wrote:
Mary Ellen,
You say you are not a "prude" - and I take you at your word, but
description of sex between unmarried persons as "illicit" begs the

Valerie Stewart

Now that I think of it, people without children might have more time and
energy for sex anyway. So maybe TV is more realistic than I'd thought it
was! Or maybe those married couples should spend less time watching TV
and more time...

OK, I'll quit now.
Mary Ellen

**Touché, Mary Ellen. Very nicely handled. With my and my husband's extended
family, there are many built-in real life lessons for my children to learn
from (I hope). I have been accused of having a life like a soap opera. How
many other people have 7 parents?

That's why we watch cartoons instead. At least we know it's *supposed* to be


April Spitzer

I think your point is a good one Mary Ellen. They made the mother a monster
because she made an informed decision about immunizing her children, and in
the end her son dies. (That still bothers me, didn't kids get measles all
of the time years ago, and only a few of them died because of poor
conditions to begin with?)

But they show bed hopping on a regular basis as something that is normal.

To be fair though, ER has touched on all the hot topics involving sex.
Jeannie got AIDS, and Dr. Benton had a scare with that. Ying (can't
remember her name) got pregnant, gave baby up for adoption.


>From: megates@...
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Re: ER - or sex is good, not immunizing
>Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:55:27 -0800
>I had to get out my dictionary before responding to this one. Maybe I
>would like to be a prude, as it comes from a French word meaning
>"excellent woman". :-)
>The point I was trying to make is that tv shows plenty of sexual
>involvement between unmarried people, but not much between married
>couples. And it's not just kissing - there is plenty of hopping in and
>out of bed. It certainly sends young people a mixed message. "Illicit"
>means "not allowed by law or custom". Isn't this what our society TELLS
>young people?: "Only people married to each other should be sexually
>active". Obviously, the reality is much different though. Maybe I
>should have just said, "the sex on TV seems to be mostly between
>unmarried people".
>Now that I think of it, people without children might have more time and
>energy for sex anyway. So maybe TV is more realistic than I'd thought it
>was! Or maybe those married couples should spend less time watching TV
>and more time...
>OK, I'll quit now.
>Mary Ellen
>John wrote:
>Mary Ellen,
> You say you are not a "prude" - and I take you at your word, but
>description of sex between unmarried persons as "illicit" begs the

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Too funny!!

Valerie wrote: That's why we watch cartoons instead. At least we know
it's *supposed* to be unbelievable

Mary Ellen
alarm clock - n. a device for waking up people
who don't have small children.


--- SandraDodd@... wrote:
> Home Improvment always did portray Tim and Jill as
> having a healthy sex life.
> Cosby show (although it's old, it's in reruns in
> some markets) they were
> still obviously active.
yay! cosby showed rocked! Cliff (can't remember) were always
gettin it on! Even Tim and Jill couldn't keep up with
them. ;)

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