In a message dated 2/13/01 5:25:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<<chocolate. What could be better?
quite submerged in lunacy with no complaints >>

I always get this's the putting the clothes AWAY that gets me into
trouble. I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes basket because the
other two are ALAWAYS full!!! Maybe chocolate in each dresser drawer!!??

Michelle in DE

In a message dated 2/13/01 1:12:50 PM, mommiesapp@... writes:

<< I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes basket because the
other two are ALAWAYS full!!! >>

I wish to suggest from personal experience that is it possible that if you
had six laundry baskets, you might some days find them all full.

<< << I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes basket because the
other two are ALAWAYS full!!! >> >>

One of my favorite writers said that he always thought a person should have
two dryers, then you could just leave your clothers in there. He said you
could turn it on for a second and have warm underwear!
He also wanted two dishwashers then you would never have to put dishes away!
My kind of guy

Elizabeth Hill

>He also wanted two dishwashers then you would never have to put dishes

I've seen these advertised under the name "dish drawer".



ah ha! I'm not the only one! most "unhousekeepers"
(heeh, just made that up) I know complain about piles
of DIRTY clothes. Not me. I love washing and drying
them. Seriously. I really really like it. I just
really really don't like folding and putting them
Hanging them up is worse. Ugh. I'll need much more
than chocolate in the closet. I wish there was a
laundry version of the tooth fairy, leaving me money
for every garment hung or folded. ah.....le sigh....

--- mommiesapp@... wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/01 5:25:47 AM Eastern
> Standard Time,
> writes:
> <<chocolate. What could be better?
> Kerry
> quite submerged in lunacy with no complaints >>
> I always get this's the putting the
> clothes AWAY that gets me into
> trouble. I actually thought about buying a 3rd
> clothes basket because the
> other two are ALAWAYS full!!! Maybe chocolate in
> each dresser drawer!!??
> Michelle in DE

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Heeh, I don't think I believe in laundry baskets
anymore. They don't seem to like me. They always are
overflowing and breaking and get used more by the kids
as play things than to carry laundry. My sil has two
baskets for dirty clothes (hampers really) for
dd and one for parents and then one basket for clean
clothes. HOW she manages I'll never know.......

--- SandraDodd@... wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/01 1:12:50 PM,
> mommiesapp@... writes:
> << I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes
> basket because the
> other two are ALAWAYS full!!! >>
> I wish to suggest from personal experience that is
> it possible that if you
> had six laundry baskets, you might some days find
> them all full.

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oooo baby! that sounds like a grrrrreat idea. hm....
(making plans to have two dryers and dishwashers in
the huge house she'll build someday when she makes her
first million writing children's books....)...
(a girl can dream can't she?...I'm still
could happen....)
--- discovery6@... wrote:
> << << I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes
> basket because the
> other two are ALAWAYS full!!! >> >>
> One of my favorite writers said that he always
> thought a person should have
> two dryers, then you could just leave your clothers
> in there. He said you
> could turn it on for a second and have warm
> underwear!
> He also wanted two dishwashers then you would never
> have to put dishes away!
> My kind of guy
> Candy

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In a message dated 02/14/2001 8:26:18 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
insomniaaks@... writes:


I love it!!


Tracy Oldfield

Now, for hanging up, I hang them on the clothes horse
(or line) on the hanger already, that way they dry
straight, take up less space and go straight on the
rail when done! Someone take me away, I've gone
Stepford... But I don't iron, though...


ah ha! I'm not the only one! most "unhousekeepers"
(heeh, just made that up) I know complain about piles
of DIRTY clothes. Not me. I love washing and drying
them. Seriously. I really really like it. I just
really really don't like folding and putting them
Hanging them up is worse. Ugh. I'll need much more
than chocolate in the closet. I wish there was a
laundry version of the tooth fairy, leaving me money
for every garment hung or folded. ah.....le sigh....

--- mommiesapp@... wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/01 5:25:47 AM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> writes:
> <<chocolate. What could be better?
> Kerry
> quite submerged in lunacy with no complaints >>
> I always get this's the putting the
> clothes AWAY that gets me into 
> trouble. I actually thought about buying a 3rd
> clothes basket because the 
> other two are ALAWAYS full!!! Maybe chocolate in
> each dresser drawer!!??
> Michelle in DE

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Tracy Oldfield

My kids' favourite game with my 'transporting basket'
(as oppose to the 'hamper' that sits in the bedroom
usually overflowing) is 'the lolly van,' where the one
with the basket over their head is the lolly-van-man...


Heeh, I don't think I believe in laundry baskets
anymore. They don't seem to like me. They always are
overflowing and breaking and get used more by the kids
as play things than to carry laundry. My sil has two
baskets for dirty clothes (hampers really) for
dd and one for parents and then one basket for clean
clothes. HOW she manages I'll never know.......

--- SandraDodd@... wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/01 1:12:50 PM,
> mommiesapp@... writes:
> << I actually thought about buying a 3rd clothes
> basket because the 
> other two are ALAWAYS full!!! >>
> I wish to suggest from personal experience that is
> it possible that if you 
> had six laundry baskets, you might some days find
> them all full.

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