Yes, "natural family planning" is accepted by the catholic church and is the
only method that they accept.  There is even a catholic hospital nearby that
gives classes.  It is a combination of the calendar method, watching your
vaginal discharge and basal temperature charting.  However, as anyone with
experience in infertility, the medical field or using these can tell you,
they are better predictors for trying TO get pregnant rather than prevention.

So, like most of the catholics I know, I commited a venial sin by using
artificial methods of birth control.  However, now my husband has had a
vasectomy so...and there are some priests who say it is ok, and a whole bunch
who don't but it was right for us.


Cory and Amy Nelson

Thanks, Dawn. I have a Roman Catholic friend who went on the pill when she
was younger as a way to rebel against her parents :). And now she's had a
very successful time using NFP, which is something I want to learn more
about. I have "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" just sitting there waiting
to be read.

Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)
"The hardest to learn was the least complicated" -Indigo Girls

> Yes, "natural family planning" is accepted by the catholic church and is the
> only method that they accept. There is even a catholic hospital nearby that
> gives classes. It is a combination of the calendar method, watching your
> vaginal discharge and basal temperature charting. However, as anyone with
> experience in infertility, the medical field or using these can tell you,
> they are better predictors for trying TO get pregnant rather than prevention.
> So, like most of the catholics I know, I commited a venial sin by using
> artificial methods of birth control. However, now my husband has had a
> vasectomy so...and there are some priests who say it is ok, and a whole bunch
> who don't but it was right for us.