Dennis/Laurie Brown

I also have FMS...or at least that's the best diagnosis there is so far.
(I'll be checking out the link to NAET (?) that was posted...thanks for the

The description that was allured posted was pretty good and I definitely
agree about Devin Starland's books. Excellent resource.

I've been dealing with this condition for at least 10 years, diagnosed for
the last 7 or 8. It can be very debilitating and frustrating. I've been
fortunate because my doctors believe me. OTOH if one more person tells me
that I'll feel better if I exercise...!!!...well, it will not be pretty.
Pretty hard to exercise when my goal for the week is to get dressed more
days than not. I often have to use a wheelchair when I go out. For the
last several months, if there is not someone around to push my chair I can't
go anywhere. The most recent doc assures me that the odds are in my favor
that I will have a remission, especially since I've been in such pain for so

My recommendations: Do anything that feels like it will be helpful. I've
had more than one doc tell me that I can probably do more for myself than
they'll be able to do for me.

Don't be afraid to insist on pain meds if you need them and don't be afraid
to fire any doc that won't listen to you. If the office staff is not
cooperative and you can't gain access to the doctor, find another.

Don't feel that if you have to take time off from normal every day
activities that your children will suffer irreparable harm. They'll simply
grow in a different direction than you had originally planned.

Learn all you can about this condition or any others that may mimic it. I'm
not confident that I have a complete diagnosis at this time, but the docs
have pursued every reasonable path to try to identify something else. Until
more is learned or there is reason to repeat tests, I'm stuck with FMS as a
primary diagnosis. Unfortunately, insurance companies try to use the 'it
doesn't exist/isn't a real illness' excuse to deny assistance. I'm starting
the battle now for a power chair.

If you're comfortable with joining a support group, I highly recommend it!
An online group is great because you don't actually have to GO someplace to

I'll add to the other offer...if there is anything I can do to help, feel
free to send me a note on or off list (Brownville77@...). I'd be happy
to help in any way I can. This can be a very lonely condition. I'm lucky
if I get out more than once a week these days. Getting to a doctor or any
other appointment is a major ordeal.

Hope it helps,