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I found this link on the http://simpleliving.net
I don't know if this book is in the library, but it sounded helpful in
making choices.
Mary Ellen
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<Hi and Lois>

The Consumer's Guide To Effective Environmental Choices
Practical Advice From The Union Of Concerned Scientists

Author: Michael Brower, Warren Leon
Format: Paperback
Length: 292 pages
Publisher: Three Rivers Press


Price: $15.00

From one of the most prestigious nonprofit organizations devoted to
environmental issues comes a clear, practical, and rational overview of
the relationship between consumers and the environment.

Paper or plastic? Bus or car? Old house or new? Cloth diapers or
disposable? Some choices have a huge impact on the environment; others
are of negligible importance. To those of us who care about our quality
of life and what is happening to the earth, this is a vastly important
issue. In these pages, the Union of Concerned Scientists help inform
consumers about everyday decisions that significantly affect the
environment. For example, a few major decisions -- such as the choice of
a house or vehicle -- have such a disproportionately large affect on the
environment that minor environmental infractions shrink by comparison.

This book identifies the 4 Most Significant Consumer-Related
Environmental Problems, the 7 Most Damaging Spending Categories, 11
Priority Actions, and 7 Rules for Responsible Consumption. Learn what you
can do to have a truly significant impact on our world from the people
who are at the forefront of scientific research.


Consumers are often severely limited in their choices, and the economic
market is frequently structured in such a way that makes environmentally
sound options unattractive. In other cases, businesses and other
institutions, rather than individual consumers, are the key
decision-makers. Government can, and should, help expand the choices,
make responsible behavior appealing, and influence the behavior of
institutions. Good government policies are needed for action on the
personal lifestyle level to succeed.


Too many people drive their Land Rovers to the grocery store and think
that 'paper or plastic' is a meaningful choice. The Consumer's Guide To
Effective Environmental Choices will help you distinguish the crucial
from the trivial and make choices that are congruent with your values.

Denis Hayes, Chair, Earth Day 2000
This engaging book gives consumers the information they need to vote with
their wallets for a better environmental future.

Gary Hirshberg, President, Stonyfield Farm Yogurt
About The Author:

Michael Brower, Ph.D., is a physicist and expert on energy and
environmental issues.

Warren Leon, Ph.D., is a deputy director for programs at the Union of
Concerned Scientists. Since 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists has
brought scientists and citizens together to work for a healthy
environment and a safe world.

Other Information:

Printed on recycled paper.