Helen Hegener

At 1:00 AM +0000 1/27/01, Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com wrote:
> And don't be surprised if you are a mod/owner of a group and
>it asks you to join the one you own :). I found that rather amusing.

Patti, you're scaring me... <g>

I own about 20 lists there, I hope it's not going to make me go
through each one individually... and if I have to rejoin the ones I
own/moderate, what about the close to 100 lists I'm just a member of?
Or was a member of. Or whatever... :::sigh:::


Vicki A. Dennis

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 8:20 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Yahoo?

Patti, you're scaring me... <g>
Not to worry Helen.    If you  put in www.egroups.com it will take you to a page with instructions  to register with yahoo and be able to access ALL your lists.   Lists were switched in entirety.     One thing *I* like is that once again  the number of members per group is listed in the My Groups section.  E-groups had dropped that feature a few weeks ago----numbers only visible to the moderators.


In a message dated 01/27/2001 2:25:06 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
HEM-Editor@... writes:

At 1:00 AM +0000 1/27/01, Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com wrote:
>   And don't be surprised if you are a mod/owner of a group and
>it asks you to join the one you own :).  I found that rather amusing.

Patti, you're scaring me... <g>

I own about 20 lists there, I hope it's not going to make me go
through each one individually... and if I have to rejoin the ones I
own/moderate, what about the close to 100 lists I'm just a member of?
Or was a member of. Or whatever... :::sigh:::


I went to www.egroups.com and it walked me though switching over all the
lists in one swoop.  

Good luck!


Kerry Kibort

100 lists I'm just a member of?

Oh mY! How on earth do you have time to read all that
email and still carry on with daily life?