
Hi all. Hope you all had a great holiday. Ours was nice but our 13 month
old came down with what appears to be a stomach flu on Saturday. He had
been acting sluggish all day and so I kept him close and nursed him more
than usual but he seemed comforted by it. Saturday night he began
vomiting and then came the diarreha. He slept most of Sunday. Waking to
nurse and takes sips of juice as well. He had a fever on Sunday up to
102.7 so I decided not give him anything and let this run it's course. I
camped out in bed with him all day nursing on demand and cleaning up
when he would vomit.

He slept most of that night and by Monday morning was doing better. He
got out of our bed and played with some toys and smiled and giggled. He
looked better but tired and worn out from being sick. By the afternoon
I noticed he was not nursing much but was taking some fluids from a cup.
I was concerned as he was not eating still. No interest when offered

Anytime I put him to the breast he gags and appears like he is going to
vomit. He did nurse late last night while half asleep. I am not sure
honestly how long as I was rather sleepy myself. I would think it was a
good 5 mins and then he made this horrible gagging noise pulled off and
rolled over to sleep.

This morning he woke up to eat some dry cereal and have some juice. His
coloring looks good and he appears stronger than yesterday. Still a bit
clingy but he looks good. No fever and when he drinks his juice or eats
some cereal or crackers he doesnt gag. He fell down and I picked him up
and went to nurse him like I normally do when he has a boo boo. He went
to nurse than gaged.

I am engorged , in pain and feeling like this kid hates me at the
moment. ( I know that is not true but...) I did notice he has a new
molar comming in and wonder if that might be the trouble. You would
think after 5 kids I would have this down but I have never had one of my
kids suddenly stop nursing like this. I am not sure if he is weaning or
if he thinks if he drinks his "ni ni" he will vomit again or if the
teething is causing this.

Anybody had this happen to them?? Ideas???


Tracy Oldfield

You might want to do a search at LLLI for 'nursing
strike.' It's never happened to me apart from one
night when dd couldn't get to sleep, she nursed and
nursed to the point where she was 'gizened,' I ended up
rubbing her back and singing while she fell asleep, it
took hours! Think about the basic stuff, like
expressing to relieve pressure when engorged, look
after yourself, look at your diet, etc.


He slept most of that night and by Monday morning was
doing better. He
got out of our bed and played with some toys and smiled
and giggled. He
looked better but tired and worn out from being sick.
By the afternoon
I noticed he was not nursing much but was taking some
fluids from a cup.
I was concerned as he was not eating still. No interest
when offered

Anytime I put him to the breast he gags and appears
like he is going to
vomit. He did nurse late last night while half asleep.
I am not sure
honestly how long as I was rather sleepy myself. I
would think it was a
good 5 mins and then he made this horrible gagging
noise pulled off and
rolled over to sleep.

This morning he woke up to eat some dry cereal and have
some juice. His
coloring looks good and he appears stronger than
yesterday. Still a bit
clingy but he looks good. No fever and when he drinks
his juice or eats
some cereal or crackers he doesnt gag. He fell down and
I picked him up
and went to nurse him like I normally do when he has a
boo boo. He went
to nurse than gaged.

I am engorged , in pain and feeling like this kid hates
me at the
moment. ( I know that is not true but...) I did notice
he has a new
molar comming in and wonder if that might be the
trouble. You would
think after 5 kids I would have this down but I have
never had one of my
kids suddenly stop nursing like this. I am not sure if
he is weaning or
if he thinks if he drinks his "ni ni" he will vomit
again or if the
teething is causing this.

Anybody had this happen to them?? Ideas???


Cory and Amy Nelson


Hasn't happened to me, but it does sound like a nursing strike. I think the
first thing I would do was make sure he's not in any pain when he's trying
to nurse (mouth sores, etc.). I've read of kids striking for a week or two
and suddenly going right back to nursing like nothing has happened.
Hopefully this will be your case. Maybe walk around with your shirt off all
day? LOL

Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)
"The hardest to learn was the least complicated" -Indigo Girls

Vicki A. Dennis

If you are engorged you might try expressing as much milk as possible so that when he does nurse for comfort he is not "drowning".     Also trying to have him more (or completely) upright as a  means to prevent gagging.   Could be he has some excess drainage or even  swollen tonsils that make swallowing more difficult and reclining adds to problem.   
I did have the experience of my child abruptly refusing to nurse during very hot weather when were watching a Little League baseball tournament.  Seems warm milk was just not appealing at all.   He even got slightly dehydrated before I figured out that if he was going to have liquids  it had to be something cool.
Keep expressing also to keep milk supply up so that when he does feel better,   there is  still plenty for him.
good luck


--- In Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com, kalima <kalima@o...> wrote:
> Anytime I put him to the breast he gags and appears like he is
going to vomit. He did nurse late last night while half asleep. I am
not sure
> honestly how long as I was rather sleepy myself. I would think it
was a
> good 5 mins and then he made this horrible gagging noise pulled off
> rolled over to sleep.

My thirteen month old also had a bug with similar symptoms. He did
continue to nurse while he refused solid food, but vomitted (like a
fountain!) immediately after nursing. This only happened a handful
of times. He did not seem bothered by it at all and would usually
doze off afterwards. His diapers were yellow and mucousy. He hasn't
vomited at all this week but is still refusing most solid foods.
Diapers are the same but he is active and spunky.

I think the vomitting in my little guy, could be due to the excessive
draining down the back of his throat. At the same time my baby had
the sickies, I lost my voice for nearly a week. While I couldn't
talk, I was constantly gagging from all the draining. I knew how to
get it out but I guess my little guy didn't :-(

"Do the Cha-Cha-Chai!"