Campbell & Wyman

Dear Kathie,
All kids are different. But , my two cents worth....
I have 8 and 10 year old daughters.
The 10 year old is just getting into the real-life the
historical effects of war, hatred and the damage it can inflict over
decades and centuries, etc. Two years ago , she did not even want to read
the Narnia series because she found it 'mean, scarey, "

I think all children need time to find a comfort zone with the seedier to
the more horrific things in life. Maybe your daughter is trying to tell you
that it is not the right time for her to deal with this??? Give her a list
of other activities/field trips you might organize together and see if
there is something on the list that makes her come alive with interest.

Save the very important lessons from the Holocaust until she is ready.

Just a suggestion,

At 01:42 PM 7/12/99 EDT, you wrote:
>From: KSeebose@...
>I just joined this loop after hsing for a couple of years... my girls are 5,
>7 and 1... I have a question for anyone open to answer it... In our
>homeschooling support group one of our contributions to the group is to plan
>an activity/field trip per semester. I really want to plan one on the
>Holocaust for a variety of reason... I'm sensing indifference from my 7 year
>old, at just the beginning of my research... this infuriates me... I'm being
>unrealisitic (kick me.. I know! :-) But this is important to me and I
>believe she needs to know about this. Perhaps with further research it may
>pique (sp? right word even?) her interest...
>Thoughts...? Comments?
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