Samantha Stopple

I just wanted to share something I observed my 5yo dd
do today. We had sat down to each lunch together (rare
treat kids are usually much to busy to do so lately)
Dd said ya know 2 and 2 and 1 make 5. I was floored
wow math. While she was doing this she was rocking
back and forth on her knees. She was constantly in
motion while describing simple math problems and also
asking me how to spell several words. I also remember
when she wanted me to scribe some stories she made up.
She recited the stories nad I wrote them down while
she was dancing around the room. She could not sit


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Samantha Stopple

That was supposed to be Learning in ACTION :P

Now off to get the kids to bed so I can...I mean Santa
can get the stockings filled ;)

Happy HollyDays,

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[email protected]

In a message dated 00-12-25 00:38:34 EST, you write:

<< She was constantly in
motion while describing simple math problems and also
asking me how to spell several words. I also remember
when she wanted me to scribe some stories she made up. >>

Get used to it!!


Merry Christmas!


I know this is an old post but I just found it again,
and my 5 yr old ds does the same thing with the math.
But it is like it's easier for him to get it that way.
I can ask him "what's 4 plus 1 plus 2?" and he'll
answer almost immediately "seven." but if I say
"what's 4 plus 3?" he has to think about it and count
to himself for a second. hm.
just thought I'd share.
--- Samantha Stopple <sammimag@...> wrote:
> I just wanted to share something I observed my 5yo
> dd
> do today. We had sat down to each lunch together
> (rare
> treat kids are usually much to busy to do so lately)
> Dd said ya know 2 and 2 and 1 make 5. I was floored
> wow math. While she was doing this she was rocking
> back and forth on her knees. She was constantly in
> motion while describing simple math problems and
> also
> asking me how to spell several words. I also
> remember
> when she wanted me to scribe some stories she made
> up.
> She recited the stories nad I wrote them down while
> she was dancing around the room. She could not sit
> still.
> Peace,
> Samantha
> __________________________________________________
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