We do foster care and were just offered a newborn with fetal alcohol
syndrome. I know little about FAS; can anyone enlighten me? It's hard
because the placement offices call and drop these big bombshells in our lap
and then want a decision in an hour! If anyone can help me out, I'd be



We do foster care and were just offered a newborn with fetal alcohol
syndrome. I know little about FAS; can anyone enlighten me? It's hard
because the placement offices call and drop these big bombshells in our lap
and then want a decision in an hour! If anyone can help me out, I'd be


I have had a FAS baby in foster care several times and a drug baby once,
still have the drug baby. (I still have the drug baby - he is 10 yo). It is
a great challenge, stressful, time consuming, frustrating, etc., but the
reward of helping a little life off to a good start in spite of the problems
involved is worth every minute of it to me.

Let me know how it goes. I will be glad to give whatever support I can. I
am also a sped teacher and have had numerous FAS children, all the way from
3 yo to 15 yo. I will be glad to share whatever I can.

Susan in FL

Can't offer you any help. Have you tried an internet search, also check

In a message dated 12/15/00 7:23:37 PM, valeries@... writes:

<< We do foster care and were just offered a newborn with fetal alcohol
syndrome. I know little about FAS; can anyone enlighten me? It's hard
because the placement offices call and drop these big bombshells in our lap
and then want a decision in an hour! If anyone can help me out, I'd be

i speak as an adoptive parent who has researched this a little prior to our
adoption of a child from russia - i am not a doctor, and don't play one on
tv. but, it is my understanding that fas has quite a wide range of
behaviours/symptons depending on the severity of the damage done. it can
range from some very basic attention deficit type problems all the way up to
mental retardation. in the infant stage it may resemble something like a
colicky baby all the way up to an infant who is pretty much unresponsive to
most stimuli. i would think, that while it may be more difficult than a
perfectly healthy infant, the real difficulty with fas children is when they
actually start moving. i have heard stories of kids being unable to be left
at home alone in the teen years, because they were unable to do basic things
like remember to turn of the water, stove, etc. i hope this helps. i admire
your ability to be a foster parent!

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