Tsigili Unega

I need advice from you homeschooling math whiz parents
out there. And by math whiz I dont mean calc and trig
majors. Im perplexed.

I am an ADD mom with a 10 y.o. ADHD gifted son.
Believe it or not I almost flunked pre algebra. I had
to take another form of basic math just to satisfy the
requirements so I could graduate from high school.
Some slight dyslexia didnt help either. Luckily my
son is not dyslexic.

Now to the present...My son also struggles with math.
All I remember is frustration and really dont want to
pass any of that on to my son. Like me, he is having
difficulty memorizing multiplication. I never could
get them memorized.

I guess what Im after is how do I create a "mathy"
environment, comfortable for him to want to learn
math, without spending big bucks and fraying my nerves
in the process?

Hes got an exceptional reading and comprehension
level. Even some of the college level textbooks hes
picked up and read didnt really stump him and what did
he knows how to look it up so he can understand it.
Hes phenominal in this area. Math is a whole
different ballgame.

Id sure like any suggestions. Right now were on basic
math stuff because its really all I can deliver. I
have a game called "Smath" that he enjoys playing. My
math skills are so bad that he beats me all the time!
LOL Any suggestions you have Im sure to learn from
too. Thanks

* \___/
( )~( )

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David Albert

Tsigili Unega wrote:

> I need advice from you homeschooling math whiz parents
> out there. And by math whiz I dont mean calc and trig
> majors. Im perplexed.
> I am an ADD mom with a 10 y.o. ADHD gifted son.
> Believe it or not I almost flunked pre algebra. I had
> to take another form of basic math just to satisfy the
> requirements so I could graduate from high school.
> Some slight dyslexia didnt help either. Luckily my
> son is not dyslexic.
> Now to the present...My son also struggles with math.
> All I remember is frustration and really dont want to
> pass any of that on to my son. Like me, he is having
> difficulty memorizing multiplication. I never could
> get them memorized.
> I guess what Im after is how do I create a "mathy"
> environment, comfortable for him to want to learn
> math, without spending big bucks and fraying my nerves
> in the process?

My January-February column in Home Ed. Magazine deals with precisely this
subject. I'll be happy to e-mail it to you (or anyone else) privately (as
it is not published yet, I probably shouldn't broadcast it widely.)


I will be speaking in Florida in January. To check out my speaking schedule,
read a sample chapter or reviews of "And the Skylark Sings with Me", or find
ordering information, visit my website -- www.skylarksings.com -- or send an
e-mail to shantinik@...


RELAX!!! Math phobia is created and ps teachers are great at creating it!
You need to use games and step-by-step computer programs. And, don't worry
about multiplication tables. The rhymming games with counting by 2's and
5's are a good start. Once your son realises that the counting by 2's and
5's is really multiplication, it removes some of the fear and mystery.

Then there are the "secrets" to nines--either writing the numbers 0 to 9 in
a column and then on the right of them putting the numbers in reverse order
on the right side in another column.

9 x 1 = 0 9
9 x 2 = 1 8
9 x 3 = 2 7

etc. Or the subtract method, 9 x 6 = 6 - 1 is 5, 5 plus what equals 9,
your answer 54. 9 x 8 = 8 - 1 is 7, 7 plus what number equals 9, your
answer 72.

When he masters that, which the other kids usually don't know, so he can
show off his math knowledge <g>, then another math phobia stumbling stones
is removed.

I'll have to look up my math sites. There are tons of fun ones out there

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tsigili Unega" <whiteowl_4@...>
To: <Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 6:26 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Math Problems

> I need advice from you homeschooling math whiz parents
> out there. And by math whiz I dont mean calc and trig
> majors. Im perplexed.
> I am an ADD mom with a 10 y.o. ADHD gifted son.
> Believe it or not I almost flunked pre algebra. I had
> to take another form of basic math just to satisfy the
> requirements so I could graduate from high school.
> Some slight dyslexia didnt help either. Luckily my
> son is not dyslexic.
> Now to the present...My son also struggles with math.
> All I remember is frustration and really dont want to
> pass any of that on to my son. Like me, he is having
> difficulty memorizing multiplication. I never could
> get them memorized.
> I guess what Im after is how do I create a "mathy"
> environment, comfortable for him to want to learn
> math, without spending big bucks and fraying my nerves
> in the process?
> Hes got an exceptional reading and comprehension
> level. Even some of the college level textbooks hes
> picked up and read didnt really stump him and what did
> he knows how to look it up so he can understand it.
> Hes phenominal in this area. Math is a whole
> different ballgame.
> Id sure like any suggestions. Right now were on basic
> math stuff because its really all I can deliver. I
> have a game called "Smath" that he enjoys playing. My
> math skills are so bad that he beats me all the time!
> LOL Any suggestions you have Im sure to learn from
> too. Thanks
> =====
> * \___/
> (OvO)
> ( )~( )
> =((=))=
> __________________________________________________
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> List owner: Unschooling-dotcom-owner@egroups.com
> List settings page: http://www.egroups.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom

Sonia Ulan

I thank you very kindly for the wonderful math tips, Lynda! Tell us

Sonia in Saskatchewan, Canada

Lynda wrote:
> RELAX!!! Math phobia is created and ps teachers are great at creating it!
> You need to use games and step-by-step computer programs. And, don't worry
> about multiplication tables. The rhymming games with counting by 2's and
> 5's are a good start. Once your son realises that the counting by 2's and
> 5's is really multiplication, it removes some of the fear and mystery.
> Then there are the "secrets" to nines--either writing the numbers 0 to 9 in
> a column and then on the right of them putting the numbers in reverse order
> on the right side in another column.
> 9 x 1 = 0 9
> 9 x 2 = 1 8
> 9 x 3 = 2 7
> etc. Or the subtract method, 9 x 6 = 6 - 1 is 5, 5 plus what equals 9,
> your answer 54. 9 x 8 = 8 - 1 is 7, 7 plus what number equals 9, your
> answer 72.
> When he masters that, which the other kids usually don't know, so he can
> show off his math knowledge <g>, then another math phobia stumbling stones
> is removed.
> I'll have to look up my math sites. There are tons of fun ones out there
> also.
> Lynda
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tsigili Unega" <whiteowl_4@...>
> To: <Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 6:26 AM
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Math Problems
> > I need advice from you homeschooling math whiz parents
> > out there. And by math whiz I dont mean calc and trig
> > majors. Im perplexed.
> >
> > I am an ADD mom with a 10 y.o. ADHD gifted son.
> > Believe it or not I almost flunked pre algebra. I had
> > to take another form of basic math just to satisfy the
> > requirements so I could graduate from high school.
> > Some slight dyslexia didnt help either. Luckily my
> > son is not dyslexic.
> >
> > Now to the present...My son also struggles with math.
> > All I remember is frustration and really dont want to
> > pass any of that on to my son. Like me, he is having
> > difficulty memorizing multiplication. I never could
> > get them memorized.
> >
> > I guess what Im after is how do I create a "mathy"
> > environment, comfortable for him to want to learn
> > math, without spending big bucks and fraying my nerves
> > in the process?
> >
> > Hes got an exceptional reading and comprehension
> > level. Even some of the college level textbooks hes
> > picked up and read didnt really stump him and what did
> > he knows how to look it up so he can understand it.
> > Hes phenominal in this area. Math is a whole
> > different ballgame.
> >
> > Id sure like any suggestions. Right now were on basic
> > math stuff because its really all I can deliver. I
> > have a game called "Smath" that he enjoys playing. My
> > math skills are so bad that he beats me all the time!
> > LOL Any suggestions you have Im sure to learn from
> > too. Thanks
> >
> > =====
> > * \___/
> > (OvO)
> > ( )~( )
> > =((=))=
> >
> > __________________________________________________
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> > Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
> > http://shopping.yahoo.com/
> >
> >
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> > Check it all out at: http://www.unschooling.com
> >
> > Addresses:
> > Post message: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> > Unsubscribe: Unschooling-dotcom-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> > List owner: Unschooling-dotcom-owner@egroups.com
> > List settings page: http://www.egroups.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom
> >
> >
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at: http://www.unschooling.com
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> List owner: Unschooling-dotcom-owner@egroups.com
> List settings page: http://www.egroups.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom


Have you worked with Cuisinaire rods? John Holt has some suggestions on them
in one of his books - either "How Children Learn" or "Learning All the
Time", I can't remember which. He also discusses math learning in general in
these books and had some great suggestions if I remember right (it's been a
year or two since I read them).

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