
Hello all!
The book "How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk"
was recently reccomended to me. I started reading it last night, and
it brought me to tears. All the things I learned from my parents I
had been passing on to my kids without realizing it. I was being so
hurtful! I feel like I could've written that book, IF I had managed
to see the light BEFORE I read it.
We are new to homeschooling, newer to unschooling. My husband and I
are making major changes in our parenting and this book is our
new "bible". If there is anyone who hasn't yet read this book- READ
IT! Its so simple and yet makes so much sense to me!
For the "experts"- Are there any other books you'r reccommend to a
friend just starting this adventure? I have read so much, and I keep
finding books that really speak to me. I'd love some suggestions.
PS. I also started "The Celestine Prophecy" this week- CAN YOU SAY

[email protected]

_Whole Child, Whole Parent_ and _The Continuum Concept_ both changed me and
reinforced some of the odd beliefs I had picked up.

Susan (mother to 5 in Fla)

I've lost her email address & wanted to give an update on Alice & the boys.

We got to see them Thurs & Fri for the day & had a great time. My 3 didn't
want them to leave. Now all they've been talking about is "when can we go
to Maine & see Sam, Frank & Henry". Now I'm excited & looking at taking a
trip with just the kids myself. Not as long as Alice. I don't think my
husband would take us being gone for 2 months very well. But we're looking
at some areas close to & in Fla.

A really great idea they did was take Polaroid pics every day of something
to remind them of that day. Alice made a notebook with protective sleaves
containing notebook paper to capture the day, where they were, who they
spent their day with & what they did. It was so fascinating to thumb
through. She plans to have the boys expanding it with more information when
they return home. It was a great memory book.

I think the best thing about their trip was what the boys spoke of as their
favorite experience. Disney, Epcot & MGM were not even on the list. They
talked about the Grand Canyon, the Pacific coastline, the redwood forests &
the people they met. They made lots of new friends from Friends, friends of
friends & homeschool families, as well as all the family they were able to
reunit with on the trip. The boys never even mentioned Disney. My point is
the tourist stops & all their expenses were not even a highlight for the
kids, though Alice said they had a great time when they were there. It's
nice to see kids enjoy the "real America".

My mother-in-law will die when she hears of my plans for a trip alone with
the kids. She couldn't believe anyone would attempt it. So I'll have the
EMTs on standby when I get my plans lined up.