Raley Family

When we first started to homeschooling, my family was concerned, like your
is. I took my children out of school (the oldest two, the other five hadn't
started yet) because of the rebellion I was seeing in my oldest daughter.
Unfortuantly, it was too late for them, and they made a lot of bad, life
changing decisions that they are still living with today. However, the
younger children are now older, and the difference in them and my neices and
nephews is so startling, that the other day my father said to me, "I thought
you were ruining those kids when you started this, but now I wish you
sisters had homeschooled their kids!" That was quiet a confession for
Although we unschool, I do require my children to do a certain amount of
"learning" every day. At least an hour. They can do computer, workbooks,
regular books, whatever interests them in whatever subject they feel like
doing. They enjoy the computer programs I bought them so much, they usually
end up doing much more than an hour, even trying each others grade!! I try
to buy new ones on a regular basis to keep their interests up.
That's how we do it. Some are over their grade level, and some are under.
Carla Raley
Jacksboro, Texas
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
----- Original Message -----
From: <Tamilooch@...>
To: <Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] The Parent's Essential Active Role in

> Hi Everyone,
> I have been reading all the posts on active rolls on unschooling. Let me
> say that I took my daughter out of school last December, we started off
> school at home. That was a nightmare!! My daughter goes in two directions
> either she catches on real fast and then gets bored to death or she has a
> hard time and gets really frustrated and starts with the poor me , Im so
> dumb, or Im stupid. The latter part of it really bothers me. So began the
> unschooling journey, I have read and reread all the books I can get my
> on (lucky for me I love to read.) Any way it was very hard for me to see
> big picture and still is , we started officially unschooling in April of
> year and all seemed well in the beginning ..After reading the books again
> reading the posts on the list , I felt confident to go with it. I have
> the last 6 months watching my daughter sit in front of the t.v. or play
> gameboy(Im with the mother who said she would like to throw gameboy out
> window)some days she does nothing but eat all day. Let me just say I think
> this point I have very little tongue left as I have bitten right off
> to keep my nagging mouth shut. Everyone says this is the de-schooling
> and I should let her be. So I have. I have spent many sleepless nights
> wondering if what I feel in my heart could truely be what is right in my
> head. I love the idea of unschooling but the schoolish part of me needs to
> see results. We are required by law in NH to test once a year. We did that
> July with the PASS Test from Hewitt Resources. I JUST recieved the results
> Friday. She did really good. 90th% on the nationals ( with no help from
> other than organizing the pages)
> I am so sorry to go on but this week has been very difficult for me.
> we started unschooling my daughter loved to read , draw, make concoctions
> the kitchen. (which I hated) Now when she says shes bored and I suggest
> read one of the million books I have bought for her, she replies with "Mom
> I dont want to do school work." when the "school" year started this sept.
> thought I would be prepared for ALL the great things that would happen so
> ordered all kinds of books like Cartooning for beginners and Easy drawing
> lessons and How to draw animals. She has not touched them. I bought The
> Book of How. and other reference materials , nothing specific , just stuff
> that she could use if she had a motivation. I DID NOT push them on her ,
> let her know they were there if she wanted them. I have mentioned music
> lessons and theater(shes a Drama Qween) She takes Riding lessons and
> that but shows no interest in the two horses that we own. She is an only
> child and is lonely sometimes but when I bring up a support group (we even
> went to one) she shrugs it off. When I suggested 4-H she had no interest.
> she replies with "Mom , that is so queer" Truthfully at this point I am at
> complete loss .Now I am having a problem with family members. I had
> to my sister that Kearstins test results came in and she did really good
> them. She said that was great. But while we are on the subject I wanted to
> talk to you about this homeschooling thing. (None of my family members
> supports me on this , except my wonderful husband.) So of course I was a
> little on gaurd. She said that my family had a " Family Discussion" about
> and that they felt that homeschooling was not in "The Best Interest of
> Kearstin" as there is no structure and every kid needs stucture!!! I was
> livid at first . My reaction was who the hell are you to discuss my family
> and who do you think you are telling me that I might unknowingly hurt my
> child . My poor sister was elected by the family to have this talk with me
> because she is the most likely to be open and compassionate.??? She said
> is was discussed that maybe someone should make a phone call to child
> services so that I would comply with my familys wishes and send my
> back to school where she will recieve stucture!!! You will be happy to
> that I did not lose control.,...... or my temper I did not even raise my
> voice. I talked it out with my sister I put myself in there shoes and
> how I could explain my views and hopes. She felt aweful and asked me if I
> mad at her. I said no Im not mad. I am hurt and disappointed that nobody
> called me to ask me in the first place . That if they were so concerned
> would have gone to the bookstore and read up on homeschooling and
> and tryed to see where I was coming from. That really it was none of their
> business how I bring up my daughter, but because they said they were
> concerned I would try to help them understand. I asked my sister that if
> brought her some books , would she read them and try to at least get an
> of unschooling. Then at least even if she dosnt agree she will know why
> dosnt agree. I told her I wouldnt change my mind about unschooling because
> believe in my heart that its the right thing to do. But that I would keep
> family updated on her progress. (as soon as I figure that one out.)
> So I left there feeling very unsure of myself and found myself questioning
> yet again if I really knew what I was doing. I talked with my husband (
> just about went through the roof when I told him of the family discussion)
> But he assured me that we were doing fine and we should keep waiting for
> Kearstin to show signs of Motivation. If any kind soul would like to send
> some advice or reassurences. I would be most grateful as I turn to the
> for my support. Thank you all for reading this very long post.
> Tamie
> Unsure of herself at the moment.
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at: http://www.unschooling.com
> Addresses:
> Post message: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Unsubscribe: Unschooling-dotcom-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> List owner: Unschooling-dotcom-owner@egroups.com
> List settings page: http://www.egroups.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom

Elizabeth McCullough

Carla -- what are some software titles that you would recommend?

Elizabeth McCullough

-----Original Message-----
From: Raley Family [mailto:raley@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 12:03 PM
To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: [Unschooling-dotcom/ Unschooling/Tami

Although we unschool, I do require my children to do a certain amount of
"learning" every day. At least an hour. They can do computer, workbooks,
regular books, whatever interests them in whatever subject they feel like
doing. They enjoy the computer programs I bought them so much, they usually
end up doing much more than an hour, even trying each others grade!! I try
to buy new ones on a regular basis to keep their interests up.
That's how we do it. Some are over their grade level, and some are under.
Carla Raley
Jacksboro, Texas
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15


Thank You Carla,
She does like the computer too, could you name off some titles so I could
get an idea.


Raley Family

For the younger children, under 6th grade, we use Reader Rabbit, Jump Start
(those are the best, by far), and I just look through the computer section
whenever I am at a store that has one. I found some at WalMart the other
day called "school zone". For my older son, I bought him a GED program that
he has really enjoyed. He liked seeing where he was, and how far he could
go. He loves reading encyclopedia's on the computer or otherwise. I spend
money on these on a regular basis, because always having new ones really
keeps their interest up.
They like this so much, I have to scedule times on the computer for them so
they won't fight over it. I don't ever buy games that don't teach, you
know, the video type games. I try to make everything they have access to in
our house a learning experience.
They are not bored, and seem to be keeping up pretty well.
Carla Raley
Jacksboro, Texas
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
----- Original Message -----
From: <Tamilooch@...>
To: <Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: [Unschooling-dotcom/ Unschooling/Tami

> Thank You Carla,
> She does like the computer too, could you name off some titles so I could
> get an idea.
> Thanks
> Tamie
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at: http://www.unschooling.com
> Addresses:
> Post message: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Unsubscribe: Unschooling-dotcom-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> List owner: Unschooling-dotcom-owner@egroups.com
> List settings page: http://www.egroups.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom


Thanks Carla
I'll have a look around.
