Krysa Hilton

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Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall

>Just when you thought it was safe to take your kids to the park.

>> According to the NRC, the nuclear power industry's
>> stockpile of low level contaminated soils could be safely used for a
>> number of private and public endeavors, such as home landscaping
>> projects, athletic fields, and playgrounds.

Let us not forget that there is radiation in everything. You get a lot of radiation if you live in a brick house, or work in a marble building. "Safe Levels of radiation" in low level waste could very well be just that, safe. It beats oil spills and fires anyway, as a byproduct of energy production. Also remember that a lot of the folks working in high level secure nuclear sites (like my husband, and myself before babies) have children of their own and are conscientious and ethical folks.

Nanci K.

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Nancy, the folks that work at these places usually are just plain folks. It
is the government and the higher ups that I wouldn't trust any further than
I could toss them. I also find that I can believe most everything they say
up until they open their mouths.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall" <tn-k4of5@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Unschooling-dotcom] FW: Radioactive Soil From Nuclear Plants
May Be Sold To Homes And

> >Just when you thought it was safe to take your kids to the park.
> >
> >Lynda
> >> According to the NRC, the nuclear power industry's
> >> stockpile of low level contaminated soils could be safely used for a
> >> number of private and public endeavors, such as home landscaping
> >> projects, athletic fields, and playgrounds.
> Let us not forget that there is radiation in everything. You get a lot of
radiation if you live in a brick house, or work in a marble building. "Safe
Levels of radiation" in low level waste could very well be just that, safe.
It beats oil spills and fires anyway, as a byproduct of energy production.
Also remember that a lot of the folks working in high level secure nuclear
sites (like my husband, and myself before babies) have children of their own
and are conscientious and ethical folks.
> Nanci K.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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