Bill & Sher

Ok please read all this before you get mad at me.

I like the idea of unschooling because I want to have fun and teach my child. I plan on using cooking, sewing and games to teach.

But my hubby and I have some friends that say they unschool. But what it looks like is no school. Yes the kids are learning some things. the girl more than her older brother. Dad works Mom stays in her room and sleeps/cry/or whatever...she has a lot of depression. The kids are left on their own.

I just wonder if this is really unschooling or is it laziness? I really am not down on the style. I am just wanting to avoid the fight to get my hubby on board with this style. But he has seen this lady use unschooling to produce kids that are disrespectful, unable to read, and distructive. I know there are bad apples in every bunch. But you know once a bad taste is in there it is hard to get it out.

Help me please

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