The Mowery Family

We too had trouble with recurring ear infections and our chiropracter helped
us to figure out that it was A.) dairy/wheat in the diet and B.) I was a
strep carrier - so, once we tackled these two things - she never had an ear
infection again until I tried dairy about 12 months later.

Needless to say, she is now 5 and can handle dairy in her diet (no, she does
not drink cows milk or eat ice cream) - but limited dairy does not affect
her anymore. My friend had told me that she had read somewhere that kids,
if they show early signs of dairy allergies, once the product is removed and
slowly introduced, by age 5 they have usually grown out of the problem. So
far, this seems to be the case for us.

Also, we too began calling ourselves unschoolers when Dana was 22mos. Folks
would look at us funny, and other people on other lists chastised me for
"labelling" her that - but we did anyway and we still do - and we are all
the better for it. Had I not given myself permission to "wander", I don't
think I would have become the person I am today.


karen mowery