Nicole Brown

Here's some interesting info on the polio vaccine from the book I'm
currently reading, "The Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed Choice" by
Randall Neustaedter OMD

"Wild polio does not exist in the United States or the Western
Hemisphere at this time. One case of paralytic poliomyelitis was
reported in Peru in 1991.... Since that time the Americas have been
polio-free. ... All cases of paralytic polio in this country since 1979
were either caused by the oral vaccine or contracted in a foreign
country during travel. ... An average of 8 cases of vaccine-associated
paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) occur each year in the United States....
The risk of acquiring wild polio in the United States is zero."

He also states that polio can be contracted by contact with the feces of
a person recently vaccinated with the oral (live) vaccine. And, in
addition to the neurological damage that any vaccine can cause, the
polio vaccine has been implicated in the spread of certain monkey
viruses, such as SIV - and may have been the cause of HIV (although the
author does not directly state that). There IS a way to vaccinate for
polio that is relatively safe, though, and involves two or more doses of
the killed vaccine followed by the oral (live) vaccine.

Scary stuff, here. The profit motive for pushing vaccines is huge, and
the fact that the very people who are profiting also have the power to
*require* the whole population to consume their product... wow.
