Robin Norell

Okay, so after I posted the original Harry Potter warning, and my response, I did find out from a few people that the Onion, the URL listed in the original email, is a satirical e-zine.  That's fine... but what primarily concerned me was that this was passed to me from the leader of one of my homeschool groups. Since I received it from three individuals in one day, I was concerned that it would be passed around to many more quickly, and wanted to "nip it in the bud."
My response was composed so that anyone who had received the original would have the other side too.  I wasn't stating that the original was true, just that anyone who did read the original should beware... of course, had I known then that it was based on a satirical website, I wouldn't have put so much thought into the answer!
The biggest irony here is that whenever I receive a "warning" email from anyone, the first thing I do is go onto a website to check it out and make sure it's not a hoax... they sure got me good this time! <g>
Sorry, but at least we're all a little more informed (hopefully)....

Susan Halpern

I guess we were all a little busy shaking our heads over what a doofus the
author of the anti-Harry Potter letter was. I should add that I did read
your rebuttal and it was awsome. You articulated much of the admiration and
love I already have for these books. I really think this series will remain
as one of the classics of children's literature----- and (as Walter Concrite
used to say) we are there!

Sue H.
Newbie homeschooling mom of Sam 8 and Anna 7.