Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall

I thought you all might appreciate this, in light of the recent discussion on presidentail candidates.

Nanci K.
>Signs Your Presidential Candidate Isn't Right
>9. Promises to improve foreign relations with Hawaii.
>8. Runs a series of attack ads against Martin Sheen's character on "The West Wing."
>7. His #1 choice to work on his cabinet is "That Bob Vila guy."
>6. Outstanding record as Governor of Rhode Island nullified by the fact that no one really cares.
>5. Anybody mentions Washington, he asks, "The state or the DC thingie?"
>4. At the debates, answers every question with a snarled, "You wanna wrestle?!?"
>3. Vows to put an end to the war in Pokemon and free the Pikachu refugees once and for all.
>2. Says the Pledge of Allegiance as quickly as possible, then shouts, "I win!"
>1. On the very first question of the debate, he attempts to use a LIFELINE.

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