[email protected]

We just returned from the fabric store. It didn't even cross my mind that we
were out during school hours, because it's not an issue to me. I got a good
(self-righteous?) chuckle over the grandmotherly types that were there making
their fabric purchases. They knew it was school hours and here I was in a
store with a perfectly healthy looking 12 yr old boy! Gasp! LOL

Once I figured out why everyone was looking at us, I had no trouble ignoring
them. Eventually, while we were looking at patterns with said 12 yr old boy,
one of the grandma-types started leaning across the table and talking with
us. No one actually asked why we were there at that hour (okay by me), but
she was one of the women that looked shocked when we walked in. She was
probably even more startled as we were talking about patterns because the
reason for our visit was to choose ds first sewing project.

It was great. I know you can all relate. It's just my first school hours
'exposure' of the year (one car family and dh works out of town, I get out
when I can get a ride, so it took longer this year). I always forget it may
be an 'issue' for others. We go out anyway and don't let the public school
schedule determine our plans.
