[email protected]

Welcome Nicole,

Congrats on the Baby!

I am Julie and I live in FL...I am not barefoot and pregnant at this moment,
but hope to be in a couple of years.. I have a 3yr girl and a 16month old
son, who are keeping me extremely busy. I am an Attachment Parenting mother,
and and "un-official " unschooler....

As far as a reading list....anything by Dr William Sears is great and will
probably suit your taste from what I have read about you. He has tons of
parenting books, like 25 or so...
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League
(LLLI)International...these are just a few of my favorites...

I don't read anything that has not been approved on the LLLI. They have a
book list at their site. If you can't find it, you can call them for a
catalog or a book list. It saves me time having to read things that don't
click with my parenting philosophy....like letting the baby cry it out, or
scheduled feedings....

check out the websites attached to my signature. They are a great resource...

Happy Mothering,
Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
Please check out a few of my favorite sites:
"It helps me to remember that people are more important than ideas and that
being kind is more important than being right."
-Peggy O'Mara, Publisher of Mothering Magazine.