My H/s'd daughter has a friend who goes to school. This friend is
rather hot headed and tends to get into trouble a lot. My daughter
is the opposite.
Friends mother has said that my daughter is a good influence on
friend. Friends teacher also said My daughter a good influence.

Friend in trouble again. Another teacher told friends mother, that
my daughter is a bad inluence - and - this is what made me so mad -
My daughter should be in school as she has to much time on her
Who is this women? My daughter is with me most of the time . When
she is not with me i always know where she is. When did teachers
become GOD
It is because of teachers like this, who judge unfairly, that my
daughter ended up depressed at the begining of the year. The reason
she is now unschooling - I should have unschooled her from the start.