cats ....
*NOW*, *unschooling*??? I hadn't thought of THAT!!! too funny, roflol!!!
... actually, our feline friends ARE VERY RELAXED, so I think they'd prob
take to unschooling *BEAUTIFULLY* haha ... as far a using the computer, I
wouldn't put it past them!!! <G> one of our cats ANSWERS THE PHONE, no
fooling!!! he knocks the receiver off and *MEOWSSSSSS*; it's HYSTERICAL!!!
yep, @ our house the kids AND CAT try to outrun each other to answer the
phone, haha ...
we've always had our felines altered @ 6 mths, if you do it too early it
won't work (@ least, I think that's right???) ... I'm w/ you, I'd LOVE to
have TONS AND TONS of cats; I'm such a sucker for cats/dogs/anything that
doesn't SLITHER!!!
uhhhh, wellllllllll, as for as the *smells*, I use a *muliple* cat litter
and change their box out w/ fresh litter 3 x's a week ... I also rinse out
their box w/ ammonia~type cleaner, let the box air outside and cover the
bottom w/ a layer of baking soda b/f adding a plastic bag and fresh litter
... I think the trick to controlling smells is keeping the box *cleaned* out
... both of our cats were adopted @ the same time so they don't mind sharing
a box ... we got our last cats @ different times and the older cat was
HORRIBLE about leaving what dh called *protest pkgs* until we figured out he
was upset about SHARING HIS BOX w/ a *stranger* ... so each cat had a
*personal* box, which was a pain in the neck but easier dealing w/ than
hth, back to lurking :)
Pris ... ~> who this past week celebrated 28th anniversary w/ the most
wonderful fella, thank you Lord (again, I'm NOT that old, I was just married
*really~really* young when we married!!!) <G>
WARNING: I cannot be help responsible for the above, as apparently my cats
have learned how to type ...
... actually, our feline friends ARE VERY RELAXED, so I think they'd prob
take to unschooling *BEAUTIFULLY* haha ... as far a using the computer, I
wouldn't put it past them!!! <G> one of our cats ANSWERS THE PHONE, no
fooling!!! he knocks the receiver off and *MEOWSSSSSS*; it's HYSTERICAL!!!
yep, @ our house the kids AND CAT try to outrun each other to answer the
phone, haha ...
we've always had our felines altered @ 6 mths, if you do it too early it
won't work (@ least, I think that's right???) ... I'm w/ you, I'd LOVE to
have TONS AND TONS of cats; I'm such a sucker for cats/dogs/anything that
doesn't SLITHER!!!
uhhhh, wellllllllll, as for as the *smells*, I use a *muliple* cat litter
and change their box out w/ fresh litter 3 x's a week ... I also rinse out
their box w/ ammonia~type cleaner, let the box air outside and cover the
bottom w/ a layer of baking soda b/f adding a plastic bag and fresh litter
... I think the trick to controlling smells is keeping the box *cleaned* out
... both of our cats were adopted @ the same time so they don't mind sharing
a box ... we got our last cats @ different times and the older cat was
HORRIBLE about leaving what dh called *protest pkgs* until we figured out he
was upset about SHARING HIS BOX w/ a *stranger* ... so each cat had a
*personal* box, which was a pain in the neck but easier dealing w/ than
hth, back to lurking :)
Pris ... ~> who this past week celebrated 28th anniversary w/ the most
wonderful fella, thank you Lord (again, I'm NOT that old, I was just married
*really~really* young when we married!!!) <G>
WARNING: I cannot be help responsible for the above, as apparently my cats
have learned how to type ...
----- Original Message -----
From: "M & J Welch" <seamus@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: [Unschooling-dotcom]cats!!--was corporal punishment
> That subject line is kinda' strange, I know. Sorry! but my funnybone was
> tickled when imagining cats typing at a computer keyboard. :-)
> I adore cats. I have 5, and would own more if I could stand the upkeep
> if my husband would let me!). My problem is smell. Ugh.
> Can the cat lovers on this list share their best remedies for that
> mystifying odor which wafts through the home containing cats? My boys and
> girls are potty trained very well. No accidents for several weeks now.
> (Three of them are only babies-2 3 month olds and 1 6 month old.) I've
> all the old messes and do a good smell check every day for possible new
> ones.
> And does anyone know at what age a male cat can be neutered? I want to get
> my boys taken care of before any of that territorial spraying instinct
> begins to manifest itself.
> AND has anyone ever tried unschooling 5 cats? :-)
> Lee
> Momma to 8 children-Seamus Abe and Henry (homo sapien sapien), and Ishtar,
> Tik Tok, Harry, Mustard and Cosmo (felis cattus)