Monica L. Molinar

Hi Everyone!

I noticed Sandra Dodd on this list -- HI!! :-))

For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
beautiful day!

Is there anyone on this list with a strong knowledge of bugs and
insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
ladybug reproduction), and where to find out more information about a
tiny, bright yellow spider we discovered that was the exact same color
as the buttercup flowersat the edge of my lawn.


In a message dated 6/22/99 8:17:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Monica@... writes:

<< For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
beautiful day! >>

Oh, Monica it's soooo good to see you, how is it going?


In a message dated 6/22/99 7:17:41 AM, Monica@... writes:

<<We live in North Pole,
Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
beautiful day!>>

Hi, Monica -

Yesterday was the summer solstice. Did the sun set in your part of Alaska at
all? Here in N. Ca. it was fully dark at 9:15.


Jbecza northwest europe
classifications and pictures. Discovery channel site
about Australian spiders.
Sorry, don't have any about lady bugs, but now that you mention it it does
sound interesting.
I found lots of the critters hanging around in our yard on these pages,
among others, even though their focus is not this country.

I guess I will also take this opportunity to introduce myself, I'm also new
to this list. My name is Jenn and I have 1 6yob, and we have just
started... well, not schooling. He had a very traumatic Kindergarten year
at ps and we are both trying to deschool I think. If anyone has any gems of
wisdom to share to help me relax and get over my school notions I would
welcome it. I have done a lot of reading, which included the HEM and
unschool sites, and I know that unschooling is what I want for Josh. The
only problem we are having is me, since I was brought up in a classic "bring
home an A - there is only one right way to do things home". Josh on the
other hand is doing just fine with his "schooling" =)


> Is there anyone on this list with a strong knowledge of bugs and
> insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
> ladybug reproduction), and where to find out more information about a
> tiny, bright yellow spider we discovered that was the exact same color
> as the buttercup flowersat the edge of my lawn.
> Thanks!
> Monica

B & T Simpson

> northwest europe
>classifications and pictures.
> Discovery channel site
>> insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
>> ladybug reproduction>>>>>

This will be sort of long so hang in there, I found a bit about lady bugs,
but it says nothing about reproduction just about eggs
here it goes
a sign of good luck "Lady-bird, will Sunday be a nice day?" If the ladybug
(as lady-bird beetles are usually called) flies away before you can ask the
question three times. the weather will be fair for the weekend. The English
call the ladybug the "beetle of Our Lady," the Germans call it the "child of
Our Lord." the Italians " Modanna's chick" This pretty little insect has
always been considered a sign of good fortune. One reason is probably that
its appearance comes in the first days of spring. In addition. it feeds on
plant lice, aphids, and many other insects harmful to plants. It is even
raised for this purpose in some places.

There are hundreds of species of ladybugs. They differ in size and in the
color and number of spots on their wing cases. There can be anywhere from
two to 24 spots. In the summer the ladybug flies all day from tree to tree,
from flower to flower. It eats unbelievable numbers of insects. In winter,
groups of 50-100 hibernate under a piece of bark or in some similar shelter.
The females lay three to 50 eggs on the backs of leaves, When attacked, the
ladybug has an unusual way of defending itself. It spits a nasty-smelling
liquid at its enemy, which usually retreats in disgust.
PHYLUM: Arthropoda
CLASS: Insecta
ORDER Coleoptera
FAMILY: Coccinellidae
CHARACTERISTICS: round or oval body
I hope this will help at least a little this information comes from the
illustrated wildlife treasury I picked up at a garage sale for $2.00!!!
packed full of info on all kinds of bugs and animals from a-z!
Tanya Ohio
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Tea Lover Denise

Hi, Monica, and welcome! I am unschooling our 16yod.

We lived on Adak for three years back in the late '80's. Our kids were
4, 7, and 10 at the time. It was a great experience living on an island,
not to mention our trips to the mainland. We visited North Pole (is the
Christmas Shop still there? I could *kick* myself for not buying some of
those chocolate sets) and Denali, and spent a good bit of time in
Anchorage as well. We love Alaska!

Denise in South Carolina
Stop by for a cup of tea ~

<For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
beautiful day!>

Larry and Susan Burgess

Hi Monica,
I live in Alaska too, in Wasilla. Great to have someone else living here,
just wish you were closer!

Love Susan

-----Original Message-----
From: Monica L. Molinar <Monica@...>
To: Unschooling-dotcom <>
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 7:17 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] New to List

>From: "Monica L. Molinar" <Monica@...>
>Hi Everyone!
>I noticed Sandra Dodd on this list -- HI!! :-))
>For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
>I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
>Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
>Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
>beautiful day!
>Is there anyone on this list with a strong knowledge of bugs and
>insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
>ladybug reproduction), and where to find out more information about a
>tiny, bright yellow spider we discovered that was the exact same color
>as the buttercup flowersat the edge of my lawn.
>--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
>ONElist: the best source for group communications.
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>Check it out!

Monica L. Molinar

Hi Susan!

I'll be in Wasilla this weekend! My husband's team (Robert's Law) is playing
softball in a tournament there!! I don't know which field (assuming there's
more than one?!), but we'll be around... look for me w/ 3 sons, 11, 9, &
3... all brown hair. :-)


Larry and Susan Burgess wrote:

> From: "Larry and Susan Burgess" <snlburgess@...>
> Hi Monica,
> I live in Alaska too, in Wasilla. Great to have someone else living here,
> just wish you were closer!
> Love Susan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Monica L. Molinar <Monica@...>
> To: Unschooling-dotcom <>
> Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 7:17 AM
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] New to List
> >From: "Monica L. Molinar" <Monica@...>
> >
> >Hi Everyone!
> >
> >I noticed Sandra Dodd on this list -- HI!! :-))
> >
> >For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
> >I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
> >Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
> >Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
> >beautiful day!
> >
> >Is there anyone on this list with a strong knowledge of bugs and
> >insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
> >ladybug reproduction), and where to find out more information about a
> >tiny, bright yellow spider we discovered that was the exact same color
> >as the buttercup flowersat the edge of my lawn.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >Monica
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
> >
> >ONElist: the best source for group communications.
> >
> >Join a new list today!
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Check it out!
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
> ONElist members are using Shared Files in great ways!
> Are you? If not, see our homepage for details.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check it out!

Larry and Susan Burgess

Great! If you can find out which field (there are more than one) maybe I
can come. Do you get to Wasilla or Anch. much?


-----Original Message-----
From: Monica L. Molinar <Monica@...>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] New to List

>From: "Monica L. Molinar" <Monica@...>
>Hi Susan!
>I'll be in Wasilla this weekend! My husband's team (Robert's Law) is
>softball in a tournament there!! I don't know which field (assuming there's
>more than one?!), but we'll be around... look for me w/ 3 sons, 11, 9, &
>3... all brown hair. :-)
>Larry and Susan Burgess wrote:
>> From: "Larry and Susan Burgess" <snlburgess@...>
>> Hi Monica,
>> I live in Alaska too, in Wasilla. Great to have someone else living here,
>> just wish you were closer!
>> Love Susan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Monica L. Molinar <Monica@...>
>> To: Unschooling-dotcom <>
>> Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 7:17 AM
>> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] New to List
>> >From: "Monica L. Molinar" <Monica@...>
>> >
>> >Hi Everyone!
>> >
>> >I noticed Sandra Dodd on this list -- HI!! :-))
>> >
>> >For those of you who don't already know me, My name is Monica Molinar.
>> >I am married, about to celebrate my 14th anniversary, and have 3 sons:
>> >Zac (11), Luke (9), and Tristan (almost 3). We live in North Pole,
>> >Alaska, where, at the time of this writing, it is an absolutely
>> >beautiful day!
>> >
>> >Is there anyone on this list with a strong knowledge of bugs and
>> >insects? I need to know where to learn about ladybugs (in particular,
>> >ladybug reproduction), and where to find out more information about a
>> >tiny, bright yellow spider we discovered that was the exact same color
>> >as the buttercup flowersat the edge of my lawn.
>> >
>> >Thanks!
>> >Monica
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
>> >
>> >ONElist: the best source for group communications.
>> >
>> >Join a new list today!
>> >
>> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >Check it out!
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> Check it out!
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Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the list and have been trying to keep up merely by reading
all the posts - finally have time to post myself. We're relatively
new to homeschooling as well. Pulled our daughter out in Fall of
2000, and then our son in Fall of 2001 (Sabra 10, Gino 9, Domenic

I love everything I've read about unschooling, and am trying to
implement this philosophy in our home. I have truly enjoyed, and am
learning so much from reading the postings on this list. It's great
to hear from people who are completely confident in their decision to
unschool - and have successfully made it their lifestyle - exactly
the type of inspiration I was looking for!

I have so many questions. I think I'll send them under different
subject headings though. (new to email lists and yahoogroups as


Lisa H

Hi all.
I've been lurking for a week now and want to come out of the closet. Actually I've stored a few responses in my drafts folder waiting for the suggested probation period to end before i jump into the loop. So you'll see a few postings to follow with subjects from the past week or so.

Anyway, we are homeschoolers (definate unschoolers) here in NY (an hour north of Manhattan). I like to say we've unschooled from the beginning. Just a way of life with our two girls (5 & 10). Didn't know there was a label for what we were doing until meeting fellow LLL moms my first year out as a new mom. Then discovering a "continuum concept" and "unschoolers" group in the area (well an hours drive for each - but well worth it).

I am trully enjoying the threads and look forward to being a part of the community.

Lisa Heyman.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

liza sabater

On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 09:13 PM, Lisa H wrote:
> Anyway, we are homeschoolers (definate unschoolers) here in NY (an
> hour north of Manhattan).

where? i'm in the east village (manhattan).

l i z a

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]