Shannon Nicoletta Manns

I was wanting to bring your attention to the following and I would be
interested to know what you think:

The New Kids Have Arrived!
The Indigo Children
An Interview With Co-Author Jan Tober
As told to Rick Martin

The great Master Teacher of 2000 years ago said: "Blessed are the children."
These children will be the guides to return us, as a world, to the path of

To a lot of people, it's not really news that there is something very
special going on with the children in this world. It's been happening for
some time. There are those who say that the "forerunners" to this modern-day
phenomenon started being birthed as long as 20 years ago. Futurists, such as
Gordon-Michael Scallion, have been speaking of their planetary entrance for
some years now, labeled by him as the Blue Children. To Nancy Ann Tappe,
gifted with the ability to see the auric field of the human body, they are
simply referred to as Indigos.

What does the presence of these "super kids" mean? What is their message?
What is their purpose for being here, right now? Is this just a fanciful
idea or a reality? What are the Indigos and what makes them "Indigo"?

Although it took some months to coordinate, I was finally able to speak with
Jan Tober, the co-author of the provocative book called The Indigo Children,
about this fascinating subject.

The book, while merely an "introduction" into the subject, is one that every
teacher and school administrator should be required to read. If you have a
child who is "a handful", if you have a child who has been diagnosed with
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Hyperactivity (ADHD), then by all means
go get and read this book! It should be in every library across the land.

It is obvious that, in an hour and a half, we were only able to scratch the
surface on this subject. But if you have been feeling there's no hope for
the world, you'll get a definite "boost" from this story!

Let's move now directly into my discussion with Jan Tober on the subject of
these wonderful, wild, provocative, and often exasperating "old" children.
Martin: Let's begin with a fundamental definition; exactly what are the
Indigo children?

Tober: The definition that we are sharing, that rings true for us, is: an
Indigo child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological
attributes, and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before.

Martin: Along this line, I want to talk to you about the misdiagnosis of
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and (ADHD), and the use of Ritalin to drug
these children. Have you encountered a lot of Indigos who have been drugged
and, in your opinion, misdiagnosed?

Tober: Again, I work as an intuitive counselor. I do not work out in the
area where a lot of my clients would put their children on Ritalin. They
would go to alternatives, innately. However, in some of our audiences, which
have a broader cross-section, we are experiencing where, maybe not our
audience member would go that route, but they would say: "My sister-in-law's
child, my niece, my nephew...", where they (audience members) are not the
primary child caretaker. But, they certainly know other Indigo primary
caretakers or teachers, etc.

I want to quote the percentages we shared in the book, about the increase in
the production of Ritalin: "Ritalin production has increased seven-fold in
the last eight years, and 90% of it is consumed in the U.S."

The trend over the past few years has been clear: the percentage of children
with an ADHD or ADD diagnosis, walking out of a doctor's office with a
prescription, jumped from 55% in 1989 to 75% in 1996. And, if the truth be
known, it's higher than that.

What's happening? What's happening is, we have a new paradigm of soul, of
beings, coming into the Earth who are, primarily, right-brained. We have
them being shoved into a left-brained society where, to be left-brained is
to be honored; to be right-brained, i.e., the artist, the musician, dancer,
painter, writer, creative thinker is not to be honored, in this country.

So, they're coming into a left-brained world. To get their kudos, to get
their strokes, to be really honored and respected, they have to try to fit
into that old system. These souls, as Masters, KNOW the truth and know that
we are now moving into honoring the right-brain mode, and they are a
significant part of that.

So, they're not going to fit in, even if they choose to. They're here on a
mission lifetime-and that's a very important statement. They're here on a
mission lifetime! They're NOT here to fit in. We are here to understand
them, to learn from them, and allow them to teach us a new way of being.

Back to your question. Because they're new and different, where do doctors
go? Where do parents go? Where do teachers go? They've got children who
would appear to be hyperactive, who have a low attention span, who can't
stand in line-all of the symptoms that fit into something like the chicken
or the egg.

I mean, which came first: ADD or the child of ADD? It's fitting into a type
of pattern. They don't know what to do with it.

Now, if Ritalin healed the process, it would be different. I don't want to
get into an AMA discussion, but there are so many incredible alternatives
that take, maybe, a little bit more work, but my goodness, isn't your child
worth it?

If the drug, Ritalin heals, then fine. But, it doesn't. It's just a coping
mechanism or a band aid. Inevitably, they will need to discontinue the drug,
and deal with life experiences they were meant to have.

I have a book on ADD and ADHD; it's The ADD And ADHD Diet, written by Rachel
Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper. I want to include this, although your audience
is very savvy, but just for us all to stop, take a deep breath, and think.

"People with ADD/ADHD lack sufficient supplies of neuro-transmitters,
especially seratonin. Seratonin is manufactured in the brain in the presence
of B6 and tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. If tryptophan
and B6 are in short supply, the body cannot make seratonin." I'm quoting
from the book.

"Therefore, people with ADD/ADHD may require supplements of tryptophan
and/or B6. Protein supplies amino acids to the body. If the body contains
sufficient protein and tryptophan-rich foods, the supply of amino acids will
not usually be a problem. The calcium/magnesium ratio is a key factor, also.
Insufficient magnesium can result in high insulin levels, which reduce
seratonin. Therefore it is necessary to insure an adequate supply of
magnesium, in addition to B6 and amino acids." It goes on. This is one of
several books we recommend. This book is very short, and sweet, and concise.
First, we've got the Indigo constitution. We've got Indigo Masters coming in
on a mission, saying: "We're going to help this planet shift into the Divine
Feminine, one way or another. We're going to do it by coming in and being an
example of love. You're going to learn how to treat us, and as you learn how
to treat us, you're going to learn how to treat each other, with love." I
mean, that's the bottom line to all of this. When we learn how to love, be
with, parent, if you will, the Indigo child, we're learning how to operate
at the highest level with each other. That's what they're teaching us.

So, we've got ADD/ADHD, ok. We've got a new paradigm coming in. They carry a
lot of what has been labeled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It
doesn't mean it is. What we're saying to parents is this: please look at
alternatives. We know it's challenging. That's why the book is out, so you
can pick the book up and look at the list of traits, and you can see that
maybe there's not something wrong with your child; that your child is part
of this new paradigm.

Now, how do we work with that? That's what the book is filled with-healthy
alternatives, from diet to techniques. There's a technique called
sleep-talk, where you work with the child in their sleep state. It's very
powerful and it needs to be taught to parents. I'm bringing some teachers
with me, as I put together Indigo workshops, around the country who will
shed light on our alternative choices.

There are all kinds of choices that parents can look at. Does your child
respond to food allergies or environmental poisonings? We all have to get
very, very savvy about all of this, and these children are going to force us
into doing it-for ourselves, as well.

Martin: Because I'm aware of the time restraints we have here, let me ask
you: You have a fantastic list on your website of Montessori and Waldorf
schools. And you talk about those as being excellent places for Indigos.
What about those Indigos born into families that are economically
disadvantaged? What do you say to people who just can't afford that kind of

Tober: There have been some wonderful results we've been hearing about with
home schooling. There's a group in Houston, I believe there's about 40
families, maybe more, as of this interview, and they are successfully
working with home schooling. That might be an alternative. That, certainly,
would be an inexpensive alternative, and they're getting wonderful results,
and the children are walking right into Ivy League colleges.

I also know, within my heart of hearts, that there will be, I believe, other
forms of schooling coming up that may be not as cost prohibitive to families
who don't have a comfortable income. And I know there is such a huge
interest in Indigos, and what we can do to help them, that there are a lot
of educators now, who are also metaphysicians, who are joining forces and
working at putting this schooling together.

Martin: You've been around a lot. You've been traveling a lot. What do you
think people need to know? What is the most useful information that you can
pass on to our readers about this subject?

Tober: There are two words that, if we could say nothing more to you, we
would say, in the parenting of the Indigo child. In relating to the Indigo
child, the two words are: choices and negotiate. If you can remember nothing
else, if you do not read our book, please just give them choices and
negotiate everything. I mean, certainly, they're not to run rampant over
you. But that is the parenting guide. If we can remember that they're here
to teach us, that gives more of a balance to those words.

I want to share with your readers what parents can do to make a difference.
In addition to giving them choices and negotiating with them, you can make a
big difference by guiding them, rather than giving them explicit directions.
Treat them and interact with them as your best friend, because in truth,
they are. Treat them with respect. Honor their existence in your family.
Help them create their own disciplinary solutions. You'll be amazed as a
parent what they will come up with. And give them choices about everything.
Never belittle them, ever. This is just good parenting advice. If we wanted
to be the perfect parent, we would say: "This is the list I will follow."
So, they are very simply saying: "Now is the time, and you get to practice
being the perfect parent. Now is the time on the planet to do this."

Always explain why you give them the instructions you do; never say:
"Because I said so." Instead say: "Because this will help me today. I'm a
bit tired today. I need some help from you" knowing that honesty will always
win out with them because they're intuitive. They know what's going on,
because you're thinking it.

Make them your partners in raising them. This is extremely important. This
goes with choices and negotiation. Make them your partner. Let them know
they always have a vote. Be PRESENT with them. And, of course, as a friend,
as a grown-up family member, we ask always to be present when we're in a
situation with people. I mean, that is "be here now". That's being in the
moment, all of this metaphysical stuff. Metaphysicians innately know a lot
of this. And explain everything to your children, if you think they don't
understand something. Know that they DO understand at the soul level. And we
know we can talk to them before birth. Start early, how about before

If serious problems develop, and you feel you want to test them for ADD or
ADHD, we do not say, "Do not go to doctors." What we say in the book is:
"Look at some alternatives. For instance, diet, supplements, nutrition,
homeopathy, chiropractic, and reversed polarity." Look at what's out there
holistically. We offer a large list, and access to alternative authors,
alternative teachers who you can email, your questions and concerns.

Provide safety in your support. Avoid negative criticism. Encourage them in
their endeavors. This is all stuff we know. An Indigo is not a follower. Let
them decide what THEY are interested in, and what they want to do. Talk to
them, not at them. That, basically, is the information we have found from
therapists, from very conscientious parents, from Nancy's work, that seems
to really help guide the Indigos.

They know who they are. They come in feeling and knowing. It does not serve
us to try to mold them into a pattern that possibly we had to learn to break
out of, the pattern of how our parents raised us.

There is a new way of being. There's a new way of parenting, and it's about
moving into love. The bottom line is love-being present and loving and
understanding. In the months and years ahead, we're going to see new school
systems where parents and educators work together.

Create a sacred and harmonious home. This may be achieved by burning sage,
burning alcohol and Epsom salts and certain types of incense. Honor your
home as a temple, so that your child can come home to a loving parent or
parents in clear loving surroundings.

Even if you're tired, explain this to them. Set aside some special time just
for them, when you can be fully present. Always make them feel safe and let
them come home to their best friend, you.

Martin: At the end of the book you have some information on the message that
the Indigo's bring. Can you comment more about that?

Tober: Specifically, which part, Rick, were you talking about?

Martin: The message that they bring, the message of love.

Tober: Oh, yes! The message IS of love; it is of honoring that piece of
us-again, I mention the Divine Feminine, which comes in and honors love,
compassion, the intuitive process, all of the pieces that need to come
together to make this Heaven on Earth-and they are here to show us, one way
or another.

Martin: You talk about them as being "systems busters". What do you mean by

Tober: We were told, many years ago, that the first things that would break
down would be the old, established institutions and systems. Do you remember

Martin: Yes.

Tober: We were told that, as we move into this New Age, this Golden Age-
The old systems don't fit into the new mold-so they're right out there as
those who will break, for instance, the educational system as it has been
for a hundred years or so. They will not put up with something simply
because that's the way it has always been.

In my mind and in my heart, it's awesome. It's just so awesome to know that
they're here working with us! FINALLY!

Martin: Let's talk about using the old tricks of guilt and shame as behavior
tools with these kids.

Tober: They won't work! The Indigos know who they are. It will just
frustrate, devastate the parents. It will bring in a very agitated
energy-field around the parents and around the child, which will defeat any
discussion, any real help. It just won't happen.

They know who they are. They're on a mission. They are aware of that. So,
this is a challenge, because we have a whole culture that has been raised on
"You just wait until your father gets home!" I'm sure you probably heard
that a few times. I certainly did, and that won't work now!

I don't have children. I'm around them a lot, but I can appreciate what
parents must go through when they go back to the old modus operandi for
parents, and find out that it doesn't do anything. The children will test
them to see how far they can get.

However, these children are not brats. That is not in their consciousness.
They will test the parent, in this respect, to see what the ground-rules
are. How far can I do this? What can I do? What, really, is important to my
parents? What isn't important? And they're going to learn to see how they
can negotiate with the parents. So, if a parent comes back with a
negotiation point-of-view, then they're going to be on the same page.

It's quite amazing to see them in action. It's joyful when you experience
them with conscientious parents, who are coming from love, who certainly are
from a mind/body/soul integration, through love.

Martin: Have you had contact with many parents, who have Indigos, who are
just totally beside themselves?

Tober: We've had a lot of mail from parents who are so thrilled when they
read the book, and they realize that their children maybe Indigos, When they
started working with the principles we talk about, they started to find
success in their parenting.

They're all helping each other. They go on-line, interact, and offer each
other solutions, ideas and alternatives.

I feel that's going to be the way a lot of this is going to work. The
parents are going to have to get really proactive, and put together support
groups, where they can help each other because we're making it up as we go

Martin: Do you find much awareness among family therapists?

Tober: If they honor their intuitive process, yes. And, of course, in this
area, we do have a lot of people who are counselors and do honor their
right-brain, intuitive side.

Martin: How have you found your reception to be at the United Nations.

Tober: They invited us back three times; it was very surprising to us. We
spoke in one of the smaller rooms, for the Society of Enlightenment and
Transformation, (SEAT). It is one of the charter organizations created for
meditating members.
We were honored and we and always feel welcomed there.

Martin: Ok, let's shift back to the Indigos. What would you like to leave
our readers with, to think about, with regard to this infusion of new energy
in the form of these children?

Tober: If you had a knock on your door, opened the door, and you saw a great
Master in your doorway, you would be joyful and thrilled! And you would
invite the Master in. Then, you would probably sit down, thank him or her
for coming, and you would say hopefully, "What is it you want me to know?
How can I help you and how can I help the planet? What wisdom do you wish to
share with me?"

This is the way to honor the Indigo!

Martin: That's a good place to end. Thank you for a thoughtful and
"inspired" interview. Our readers will truly enjoy this and I'm sure some
of them will be contacting you!

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