::she just is::

FUN (sorry, I deleted your name before I thought):
>I am a big fan of Star Trek, but have been disappointed in how they
>portrayed children learning. It didn't seem vary imaginative of what the
>future could be. Smaller classes, better teachers, better technology - just
>what we keep hearing today is needed to improve schools. Deep Space Nine
>several episodes which showed this kind of school. When we started out, we
>went through the debate of public school vs private school. As we looked at
>different schools in the area, we saw that many of the private schools
>just better versions of school, and we realized that we didn't want just a
>better school, we wanted something that was not school at all.
>I like the Voyager version better. The one little girl born onboard learns
>more through mentoring/apprentice relationships. She is treated with
>and performs real duties. If she has an interest in something, she can
>pursue it through the ship's computer or through access to the people who
>have interest in that subject matter. She is shown learning from various
>people she comes in contact with and by doing real things.

Wow, finally someone who agrees with me!! I feel the exact same way about
this, but I didn't know others noticed the way Naomi learned the way I do.
Star Trek is a little slow to catch onto society changes sometimes, but they
are doing a very good job with the character or Naomi and how she learns.
She seems a much more *real* child to me than the children on TNG were. Go
Star Trek! ;-)


"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
a man?" - Chuang Tsu
#24591173 ::she just is::
AIM :: Opal Fayre