[email protected]

>>I need some prayers . I need to quit
smoking . Im gonna try for Monday. This will be my second time . Last year I
went to the Drs and he said "Tamie, some people can smoke all their lives and
never really show any problems. You are not one of them!!!" I quit using the
patch the following Monday. I quit for 5 months and felt great. Then had an
arguement with my mom and let it go down the drain.(bad excuse , I know) Now
my chest hurts all the time and the cough is embarrasing. Im only 29 and
sound like 80!!!
Thanks Everyone
I would like to hear other peoples quitting stories , if there are any. I
think it will help to hear Im not the only one to screw it up after 5 months.


Hi Tamie:
hubbie and I quit before I got pregnant with Zak and then once he was born,
one night I went out with friends when he was 9 months old and I picked up a
cigarette and then proceeded to smoke 5 a day for the next 1 year... Then we
quit again for another 2 years and again I went out to a Casino this time and
started smoking and then hubbie started smoking... Quit and started, quit and
started, quit and started and this has been going on for 3 years.... Neither
of my kids have ever seen us smoke... and today we haven't smoked for 3
months, but we could smoke tomorrow if we are not careful....

I think it's a one day at a time thing for us... It's the hardest addiction
there is (for anyone that knows anything about addictions)... It's more
addicting than heroin and it's the most widely accepted (after alcohol)....

Good luck... I will be saying a prayer for you and hope you'll say one for me

Dawn F