Sandra Dodd

In the time since this list was active there are a few new
resources. One is the many blogs unschoolers are keeping. I have
links to many of them here (and a question about a roller coaster, so
if people in your family are roller coaster fans, or geographers...)

Newly online is the audio of a talk Ren Allen and I did in St. Louis
in 2005:
(at the bottom of that page)

If someone reading this has been away from online unschooling things
for a while, be sure to check Joyce's page. She's always adding to
it quietly.

News of my own pages gets announced more "loudly" here:

There is a forum for unschoolers (with blogs and all kinds of stuff
internal to that forum) here:
(Oh. That will get you to my own page, but you can click "main" from
there.) is still there too:
which is a better place for those who are just curious or want some
answers or ideas without committing to "a community" (as the Family
Radical Unschoolers Network above is set up to be)

This time of year is often very quiet in discussions such as this, so
don't worry that things aren't busy. It doesn't mean this list won't
spark back up later. And it's here if you need it.

Merry Christmas or other winter holiday of your choice,
