
Hey Shelly, We emailed back and forth about Gaia's children's group about a month ago! Did you know you are not required to do this portfolio review in CT? School boards will try to tell you that but it's not accurate. You can contact CHEA to be reassured.

> From: "Shelly Owens" <moonwillows@...>
> Merry Meet to all!
> My name is Shelly and I live in Connecticut with my husband, 4 kids, 2
> dogs, 1 cat a frog and a fish. I am 29 years old and am expecting baby #5
> mid November.Our kids are 10,7,6, & 4.
> We had decided to homeschool back in 1990 but family really gave us a hard
> time so we tried public and then private schools before pulling our kids out
> in March'98. We had planned to let the kids finish the year while we
> investigate how we wanted to homeschool them but a knife brought to my
> daughters class and threats made us pull our children out on the spot from
> the Catholic school they were in.
> I finished their year doing what they wanted to do and having fun building
> terriums and exploring the woods when we went on hikes. In the fall we began
> to use Oak meadow curriculum and I have to admit I struggled to try and get
> everything done in a week. Some weeks we did others we didnt. Mid way there
> the year I decieded we could pick and choose what we wanted to do and things
> have gone easier for all of us. I dont plan on using a curriculum next year
> and am just looking for good reading books and maybe some math books to use.
> I am required to do a portfolio rewiew at the end of the year and must have
> some examples of required subjects that were taught. I like the idea of
> unschooling and really want to do it but I am honestly not sure how to meet
> the school boards needs and do unschooling.
> I am currently reading John Holt's "Learning All the Time" and am looking
> to do some more reading on the subject of unschooling this summer.
> I think my main problem is not comparing my kids. I never have compared
> them with other kids outside our home but I worry about my 2 middle ones. My
> oldest Brittney who is 10 learned to read on her own at 5. She just loves
> books! It is her favorite way to spend her time and always has been. her
> Brother Nathan who is 7 likes to read but struggles. I do think this is left
> over from school as he hates to write and is constantly worrying about
> mispelling a word. Chelsea who is 6 is just starting to show she wants to
> read and is trying. I guess I worry what is the right age and do worry they
> will be embarrassed if they go to a function where other kids their age are
> already reading.
> I think that is my only concern is about math and reading. We do so many
> other things to learn science and social studies that I know my kids are
> thrieving. I suppose in time I will learn to trust.
> Well I have rambled on her. I look forward to learning from everyone on
> the list!
> Blessings,
> Shelly
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Hi Eryn, We are in CT as well...Maybe we can give you a lift to Hulbert in the fall!!! Then we could meet. What town are you in

> From: "::she just is::" <OmegaMolecule@...>
> Hi,
> I hail from Connecticut as well! :) I have to agree that unschooling should
> be no problem in Connecticut. I have unschooling friends in Connecticut and
> they haven't been bothered at all to my knowledge. Lucky for me, I have
> "proof that I'm smart", hehe. I got my diploma through a correspondence
> course under a private high school. However, keeping a portfolio seems like
> a good idea. But don't worry, CT is pretty lenient about home/unschooling!
> ~Eryn
> ==
> "I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
> then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
> being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
> a man?" - Chuang Tsu
> #24591173 ::she just is::
> AIM :: Opal Fayre
> >Shelly,
> >
> >I'm in Connecticut too. We do the portfolio review, but since all that's
> >needed is work samples, I've never had a problem with our laid-back
> >approach. I keep a list of books used and offer that where I have no
> written
> >work, I include a picture or two where necessary, and the few papers with
> >numbers on them suffice for math. I keep flyers from museums and other
> field
> >trippy things. Unschooling should be no problem in Connecticut!
> >
> >Laura Bush
> >laura@...
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Did you know each week we feature a ONElist story?
> How has ONElist changed your life? Please share your story.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check it out!

Shelly Owens

Merry Meet to all!

My name is Shelly and I live in Connecticut with my husband, 4 kids, 2
dogs, 1 cat a frog and a fish. I am 29 years old and am expecting baby #5
mid November.Our kids are 10,7,6, & 4.

We had decided to homeschool back in 1990 but family really gave us a hard
time so we tried public and then private schools before pulling our kids out
in March'98. We had planned to let the kids finish the year while we
investigate how we wanted to homeschool them but a knife brought to my
daughters class and threats made us pull our children out on the spot from
the Catholic school they were in.

I finished their year doing what they wanted to do and having fun building
terriums and exploring the woods when we went on hikes. In the fall we began
to use Oak meadow curriculum and I have to admit I struggled to try and get
everything done in a week. Some weeks we did others we didnt. Mid way there
the year I decieded we could pick and choose what we wanted to do and things
have gone easier for all of us. I dont plan on using a curriculum next year
and am just looking for good reading books and maybe some math books to use.
I am required to do a portfolio rewiew at the end of the year and must have
some examples of required subjects that were taught. I like the idea of
unschooling and really want to do it but I am honestly not sure how to meet
the school boards needs and do unschooling.

I am currently reading John Holt's "Learning All the Time" and am looking
to do some more reading on the subject of unschooling this summer.

I think my main problem is not comparing my kids. I never have compared
them with other kids outside our home but I worry about my 2 middle ones. My
oldest Brittney who is 10 learned to read on her own at 5. She just loves
books! It is her favorite way to spend her time and always has been. her
Brother Nathan who is 7 likes to read but struggles. I do think this is left
over from school as he hates to write and is constantly worrying about
mispelling a word. Chelsea who is 6 is just starting to show she wants to
read and is trying. I guess I worry what is the right age and do worry they
will be embarrassed if they go to a function where other kids their age are
already reading.

I think that is my only concern is about math and reading. We do so many
other things to learn science and social studies that I know my kids are
thrieving. I suppose in time I will learn to trust.

Well I have rambled on her. I look forward to learning from everyone on
the list!


Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Laura Bush


I'm in Connecticut too. We do the portfolio review, but since all that's
needed is work samples, I've never had a problem with our laid-back
approach. I keep a list of books used and offer that where I have no written
work, I include a picture or two where necessary, and the few papers with
numbers on them suffice for math. I keep flyers from museums and other field
trippy things. Unschooling should be no problem in Connecticut!

Laura Bush

----- Original Message ----- > I am required to do a portfolio rewiew at the
end of the year and must have some examples of required subjects that were
taught. I like the idea of unschooling and really want to do it but I am
honestly not sure how to meet
> the school boards needs and do unschooling.

::she just is::


I hail from Connecticut as well! :) I have to agree that unschooling should
be no problem in Connecticut. I have unschooling friends in Connecticut and
they haven't been bothered at all to my knowledge. Lucky for me, I have
"proof that I'm smart", hehe. I got my diploma through a correspondence
course under a private high school. However, keeping a portfolio seems like
a good idea. But don't worry, CT is pretty lenient about home/unschooling!

"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
a man?" - Chuang Tsu
#24591173 ::she just is::
AIM :: Opal Fayre

>I'm in Connecticut too. We do the portfolio review, but since all that's
>needed is work samples, I've never had a problem with our laid-back
>approach. I keep a list of books used and offer that where I have no
>work, I include a picture or two where necessary, and the few papers with
>numbers on them suffice for math. I keep flyers from museums and other
>trippy things. Unschooling should be no problem in Connecticut!
>Laura Bush

In a message dated 6/2/99 8:45:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
moonwillows@... writes:

<< I am required to do a portfolio rewiew at the end of the year and must
some examples of required subjects that were taught. I like the idea of
unschooling and really want to do it but I am honestly not sure how to meet
the school boards needs and do unschooling. >>

I live in Ohio and my biggest concern was finding a certified
teacher who would do a "portfolio assessment". I found one on the internet
who unschools her children. Is there a Homeschooling List that you can join
in your state? I'll bet that someone knows of someone in your area that can
do the portfolio review that is "unschooling-friendly". I know it's a pain,
but try to write down something everday that the children are doing. Cooking
becomes "reading, math and science". Shopping becomes "consumer math". T.V.
shows fit into various subjects. "Bill Nye-The Science Guy" is science.
"Reading Rainbow" is social studies. Taking care of pets becomes "science".
Games can be counted too. Monopoly is reading and math. "Boggle" is reading
and writing. "Yahtzee" is math. Also, a trip to a petshop is a science
fieldtrip. There is lots more. I count EVERYTHING. Last night I let my 8 y.o.
pump gas into my car. I'm counting it as "science".(I think of everything as
science--LOL). When you find someone to do your portfolio review, let us
know. I'll be thinking of you. I know what it's like.
Mary Ellen.

In a message dated 6/3/99 4:02:16 AM PST, Kitchen38@... writes:

<< Last night I let my 8 y.o.
pump gas into my car. I'm counting it as "science".(I think of everything as
science--LOL) >>

Thats good...I would have said Math. As my son ticks of the numbers, as they
go by, to see how much we are paying.

I think I will add Science to it though. Covers a little more ground<g>

Christina, in WA

In a message dated 6/3/99 6:34:03 AM PST, ChrissR123@... writes:

<< Last night I let my 8 y.o.
pump gas into my car. I'm counting it as "science".(I think of everything
science--LOL) >>

Thats good...I would have said Math. As my son ticks of the numbers, as
go by, to see how much we are paying.

I think I will add Science to it though. Covers a little more ground<g>

Chri >>

Science, Math and Home Ecomomics... <g>

Mary <--- I like to SQUEEZE every ounce of education-ese out of every thing
we do <g>

::she just is::

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the offer! However, I probably will not need a lift because most
likely my dad or one of my friends will be taking me there. I live in New
Haven. What town do you live in? Well, gotta go. Lots of email to answer :)

Hi Eryn, We are in CT as well...Maybe we can give you a lift to Hulbert in
the fall!!! Then we could meet. What town are you in

"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
a man?" - Chuang Tsu
#24591173 ::she just is::
AIM :: Opal Fayre

::she just is::

Oops, I meant to send that privately, sorry :) ~Eryn

>Hi Linda,
>Thanks for the offer! However, I probably will not need a lift because most
>likely my dad or one of my friends will be taking me there. I live in New
>Haven. What town do you live in? Well, gotta go. Lots of email to answer :)
>Hi Eryn, We are in CT as well...Maybe we can give you a lift to Hulbert in
>the fall!!! Then we could meet. What town are you in
>"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
>then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
>being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
>a man?" - Chuang Tsu
>#24591173 ::she just is::
>AIM :: Opal Fayre