Choosing Gameboys ?
elizabeth roberts
Sarah is wanting a Gameboy. Her only experience with them is an older Gameboy Color that someone gave her. She'd been asking for the SP I think it is..the game opens like a laptop, only much smaller? But I'm hearing alot of talk about the DS. I've been looking online at them, and I'm wondering how difficult the DS might be to learn to play. Is there a way to only use one screen at a time rather than both or is it not quite as difficult to get used to as it seems to me? I myself haven't had a Gameboy since the Colors came out either. (been awhile, we're a little behind the times)
We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? The GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is the new one able to play the Game Cube games?
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We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? The GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is the new one able to play the Game Cube games?
Sing, Dance, Laugh...LOVE!
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In a message dated 1/12/2006 11:43:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,
joyfullzoo@... writes:
actually CAN'T use both screens when playing the older games. My 8 year old still
has an SP and loves it, easy to use, etc. BUT if I were to buy again it would
be the DS as it will allow them to grow into as well. It has a lot of
capabilities that can be used later. And all the previous games can be used on it
too. So if you have some Gameboy Color games you can use those on the SP or DS.
If you want fewer bells and whistles, get the SP. What does your child want
it for? Let them choose. If they want to have the touch screen cuz they want
to interact with say, the Nintendogs, then get that. The stylus feature is
cool too. But the SP is great for gamers who just want simple and fun games
without a stylus and all that. Pop it in your pocket and go.
As for a console, what is your family into? If your child(ren) enjoy playing
together and you like bright and fun games-the Gamecube has a better library
for that. Darker, more adult type games-Xbox, something that does it all and
is backward compatible-meaning it can play games from older
systems-Playstation 2. They all have great games but some games are exclusive to each system.
Our family has just begun to get into games (Daddy and I have always played
but now our 4.5 and 8 year old are getting into it too) so it has been a fun,
family time.
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joyfullzoo@... writes:
> We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? TheI would recommend a DS because you don't have to use both screens and
> GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is the new one able to play the Game
> Cube games?
actually CAN'T use both screens when playing the older games. My 8 year old still
has an SP and loves it, easy to use, etc. BUT if I were to buy again it would
be the DS as it will allow them to grow into as well. It has a lot of
capabilities that can be used later. And all the previous games can be used on it
too. So if you have some Gameboy Color games you can use those on the SP or DS.
If you want fewer bells and whistles, get the SP. What does your child want
it for? Let them choose. If they want to have the touch screen cuz they want
to interact with say, the Nintendogs, then get that. The stylus feature is
cool too. But the SP is great for gamers who just want simple and fun games
without a stylus and all that. Pop it in your pocket and go.
As for a console, what is your family into? If your child(ren) enjoy playing
together and you like bright and fun games-the Gamecube has a better library
for that. Darker, more adult type games-Xbox, something that does it all and
is backward compatible-meaning it can play games from older
systems-Playstation 2. They all have great games but some games are exclusive to each system.
Our family has just begun to get into games (Daddy and I have always played
but now our 4.5 and 8 year old are getting into it too) so it has been a fun,
family time.
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Dawn Adams
>Sarah is wanting a Gameboy. Her only experience with them is an older Gameboy Color that someone gave her. She'd been >asking for the SP I think it is..the game opens like a laptop, only much smaller? But I'm hearing alot of talk about the >DS. I've been looking online at them, and I'm wondering how difficult the DS might be to learn to play. Is there a way >to only use one screen at a time rather than both or is it not quite as difficult to get used to as it seems to me? I >myself haven't had a Gameboy since the Colors came out either. (been awhile, we're a little behind the times)I don't think the DS is any trouble to learn. The thing that would swing me towards the last generation Gameboy, the GB Advance is that they're the last generation handheld and so can be bought pretty cheap. The games are often marked down in stores and likely you'll find games in the buy and sell papers and pawn shops and such because they'll be sold by kids wanting to buy the newest one. If money's not an object though the DS is really cool.
> We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? The GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is >the new one able to play the Game Cube games?We just bought a Gamecube and I'd reccomend it if your kids are 10 and under. They have a lot more titles for younger kids then PS2 or XBox or XBoz 360 and if you have Pokemon fans they're the only console with rights to those games. They're also just about obsolete and there have been some great deals around on the consoles and games. The next generation Nintendo system is still at least 6 months away from release though it will be backwards compatible and play Game Cube games. But it will likely be pretty expensive too.
Regardless, this is a great time to purchase new last generation consoles. We're in the perfect time where most of the consoles are just about obsolete and makers are clearing them out in anticipation of the next version and people who own the older ones will be selling the consoles and games to make money to buy them.
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We've had both GBA and GBA SP and DS prefers the SP - the backlit
screen is much easier to manage in all sorts of lighting conditions.
The GBA has an add-on separate light piece but that was a real pain to
deal with, even for us grown ups. Also, something to consider is hand
size for handhelds - when both Dh and DS held the Nintendo DS, it just
didn't fit their hands right - DH was squashed and DS had to stretch
awkwardly to reach some of the controls.
So, you might consider going to a gaming place where you can actually
get your hands around each one you are considering.
We've also got a PS2 - DS really liked some of the games available for
it so that's what we went with (of course this is after I told DH "How
about we get a gaming system for your birthday?" and he said "Sounds
great. What did you do with my wife?" - I had been pretty anti-video
game based on DH's prior relationships with them but it's changed now).
screen is much easier to manage in all sorts of lighting conditions.
The GBA has an add-on separate light piece but that was a real pain to
deal with, even for us grown ups. Also, something to consider is hand
size for handhelds - when both Dh and DS held the Nintendo DS, it just
didn't fit their hands right - DH was squashed and DS had to stretch
awkwardly to reach some of the controls.
So, you might consider going to a gaming place where you can actually
get your hands around each one you are considering.
We've also got a PS2 - DS really liked some of the games available for
it so that's what we went with (of course this is after I told DH "How
about we get a gaming system for your birthday?" and he said "Sounds
great. What did you do with my wife?" - I had been pretty anti-video
game based on DH's prior relationships with them but it's changed now).
elizabeth roberts
Thanks, everyone! Yes, the kids are still pretty young so I'm thinking Gamecube. I'll let Sarah pick between the DS and Advance.
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Sing, Dance, Laugh...LOVE!
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Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.
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Christy Mahoney
-The DS is not ANY more difficult to play. You don't actually play on
the top screen, just the bottom. We just got 2 for Christmas, and my
girls are loving Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. I have played the
old style gameboy as well as the SP, and the lighting is so much
better on the DS. I often had a hard time seeing the screens well in
certain lighting.
-We also have a Gamecube and a PS2. We use the Gamecube much more,
and besides it's cheaper. You can get a new one, sometimes with game
included, for $99.
-Good luck Beth and Sarah!
the top screen, just the bottom. We just got 2 for Christmas, and my
girls are loving Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. I have played the
old style gameboy as well as the SP, and the lighting is so much
better on the DS. I often had a hard time seeing the screens well in
certain lighting.
-We also have a Gamecube and a PS2. We use the Gamecube much more,
and besides it's cheaper. You can get a new one, sometimes with game
included, for $99.
-Good luck Beth and Sarah!
The Coffee Goddess
We just got 2 for
available on DS--that's what he's playing now.
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100% Organic Fair Trade Coffee
Roasted to Perfection Daily
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> Christmas, and myMy son was also excited to see that zoo tycoon is also
> girls are loving Nintendogs and Animal Crossing.
available on DS--that's what he's playing now.
Guadalupe's Coffee Roaster
100% Organic Fair Trade Coffee
Roasted to Perfection Daily
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Have a Nice Day!
We have an xbox, a ps1 and now a gamecube. I'm only just now learning to play an xbox game. I want to play it more with my son...but I really SUCK at it!!!!
I feel like I can't really see where I'm at (battlefront 2, the one where you fly the planes?).
Has anyone else been through this?
I haven't tried the game cube yet.
I feel like I can't really see where I'm at (battlefront 2, the one where you fly the planes?).
Has anyone else been through this?
I haven't tried the game cube yet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dawn Adams
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Choosing Gameboys ?
>Sarah is wanting a Gameboy. Her only experience with them is an older Gameboy Color that someone gave her. She'd been >asking for the SP I think it is..the game opens like a laptop, only much smaller? But I'm hearing alot of talk about the >DS. I've been looking online at them, and I'm wondering how difficult the DS might be to learn to play. Is there a way >to only use one screen at a time rather than both or is it not quite as difficult to get used to as it seems to me? I >myself haven't had a Gameboy since the Colors came out either. (been awhile, we're a little behind the times)
I don't think the DS is any trouble to learn. The thing that would swing me towards the last generation Gameboy, the GB Advance is that they're the last generation handheld and so can be bought pretty cheap. The games are often marked down in stores and likely you'll find games in the buy and sell papers and pawn shops and such because they'll be sold by kids wanting to buy the newest one. If money's not an object though the DS is really cool.
> We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? The GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is >the new one able to play the Game Cube games?
We just bought a Gamecube and I'd reccomend it if your kids are 10 and under. They have a lot more titles for younger kids then PS2 or XBox or XBoz 360 and if you have Pokemon fans they're the only console with rights to those games. They're also just about obsolete and there have been some great deals around on the consoles and games. The next generation Nintendo system is still at least 6 months away from release though it will be backwards compatible and play Game Cube games. But it will likely be pretty expensive too.
Regardless, this is a great time to purchase new last generation consoles. We're in the perfect time where most of the consoles are just about obsolete and makers are clearing them out in anticipation of the next version and people who own the older ones will be selling the consoles and games to make money to buy them.
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Danielle Conger
b229d655@... wrote:
SPs without missing the uber potential of the DS, most of which they'd
likely not take advantage of at this stage of the game. We chose (2 mos
before the DS was released) to buy 3 SPs at the newly reduced rate
because the DS was about to come out rather than waiting and buying the
more expensive DS. We figure the kids will drive their SPs into the
ground, and by the time their ready for an upgrade, there will likely be
a new one out anyway and we'll just skip a generation.
Emily (8), Julia (7), Sam (5)
"With our thoughts, we make the world." ~~Buddha
>The flip side of this logic is that our younger kids fully enjoy their
> I would recommend a DS because you don't have to use both screens and
> actually CAN'T use both screens when playing the older games. My 8
> year old still
> has an SP and loves it, easy to use, etc. BUT if I were to buy again
> it would
> be the DS as it will allow them to grow into as well. It has a lot of
> capabilities that can be used later.
SPs without missing the uber potential of the DS, most of which they'd
likely not take advantage of at this stage of the game. We chose (2 mos
before the DS was released) to buy 3 SPs at the newly reduced rate
because the DS was about to come out rather than waiting and buying the
more expensive DS. We figure the kids will drive their SPs into the
ground, and by the time their ready for an upgrade, there will likely be
a new one out anyway and we'll just skip a generation.
Emily (8), Julia (7), Sam (5)
"With our thoughts, we make the world." ~~Buddha
diana jenner
b229d655@... wrote:
for a couple of years, but this is a great handheld system :) Okay,
I'll admit, I'm terrifically excited because I've discovered a new love
of games <bwg> The stylus is the ticket for me!! I've not played many
games, the buttons intimidate me... but Yoshi Touch and Go is my new
favorite video game (though all time is Centipede - 1 button, 1 roller
We started with PS, then PS2, which we've enjoyed for a few years. We
just got a Game Cube at Xmas and that's a whole different kind of fun --
there are many exclusive games for Game Cube. We're hoping to pick up a
cheap XBox when the 360 glitches get worked out and there's a mass
dumping of the original <g> Hayden, 7, has really enjoyed his chances to
play Halo 2 and wants his own. He's even willing to pay for xBox Live
to play with friends!
I pop into pawnshops & mom and pop music/game stores, they're usually a
cheap source for used systems & games.
:) diana
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>In a message dated 1/12/2006 11:43:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,I *LOVE* Hannah's new DS!!! She's 9 and she's had a Gameboy Advanced
>joyfullzoo@... writes:
>>We're also considering purchasing a console. What would be recommended? The
>>GameCube or whatever the latest one is? Is the new one able to play the Game
>>Cube games?
>I would recommend a DS because you don't have to use both screens and
>actually CAN'T use both screens when playing the older games.
for a couple of years, but this is a great handheld system :) Okay,
I'll admit, I'm terrifically excited because I've discovered a new love
of games <bwg> The stylus is the ticket for me!! I've not played many
games, the buttons intimidate me... but Yoshi Touch and Go is my new
favorite video game (though all time is Centipede - 1 button, 1 roller
We started with PS, then PS2, which we've enjoyed for a few years. We
just got a Game Cube at Xmas and that's a whole different kind of fun --
there are many exclusive games for Game Cube. We're hoping to pick up a
cheap XBox when the 360 glitches get worked out and there's a mass
dumping of the original <g> Hayden, 7, has really enjoyed his chances to
play Halo 2 and wants his own. He's even willing to pay for xBox Live
to play with friends!
I pop into pawnshops & mom and pop music/game stores, they're usually a
cheap source for used systems & games.
:) diana
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