

Does anyone have any advice on sibling fighting? It's usually the same
story my older son picks on the younger one until he gets mad and
pounces on his brother. It doesn't seem that anything we try is
working. Today the older one woke up with a black eye and scratches
all over his face which was the result of Starwars play gone bad.

Thanks for the Help.



Hi Jenn....

Two things come to mind that may help.....

Hitting should never be accepted. Do you talk with your sons about
this when things are calm? Trying to talk when tempers are flared is
not going to work. Talk about better ways to handle frustration and

Also...maybe they need to get out more. Go bike riding or hiking or
roller blading. My kids had a lot of anger issues when we adopted
them and physical activity has really helped us. We have bikes,
roller blades, a playset, skateboards, a pogo stick, jump ropes and
we just bought a 14' trampoline for them for Christmas (I can't wait
to give it to them!!)

Hope some of this helps!
~ Joanne ~
Mom to Jacqueline (7), Shawna (10) & Cimion (13)
Adopted into our hearts October 30, 2003

--- In, "momspeapods"
<jagreensboro@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any advice on sibling fighting? It's usually the
> story my older son picks on the younger one until he gets mad and
> pounces on his brother. It doesn't seem that anything we try is
> working. Today the older one woke up with a black eye and
> all over his face which was the result of Starwars play gone bad.
> Thanks for the Help.
> Jenn