the awarenss of four year olds (was Re: Bedtimes...
[email protected]
In a message dated 11/28/05 9:17:58 AM, ecsamhill@... writes:
On inquiry, turns out he remembered me saying "You can't count to infinity,"
so his question was going to be about what the penalty was if you did. <g>
He was four.
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> -=-As far as I can tell,Well... There's the time Marty asked me "When you count to infinity, is that
> most 4 year olds aren't sure about the difference between things that
> ARE impossible and things that mom SAYS are impossible. Perhaps in an
> unschooling family this is minimized, if mom never vetoes stuff for
> arbitrary reasons. I'm not sure about that.-=-
On inquiry, turns out he remembered me saying "You can't count to infinity,"
so his question was going to be about what the penalty was if you did. <g>
He was four.
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