[email protected]

One tiny request, in general.

Please break your writing up into paragraphs. Two taps of the enter key
between thoughts would help me read your posts, even if the English teacher in
your head would disapprove of their placement. I pretty much skip every post
that doesn't have paragraphs breaks. I'm sure I'm not the only one. And
since there are several people posting now that haven't used paragraph breaks, I
thought it would be appropriate to make this request.

Thanks for your consideration,

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Hi Karen

I would be one of the non spacing posters. I am sorry, I didn't even
realize, just got caught up in my thoughts and kept on going. You are
right though it does seem to make the posts easier to read. See I
learn something new here every day. And by the way I thought about
hitting enter after each line here but decided not to try and get a
rise or a laugh out of anyone. <vbg>


[email protected]

Thanks, Dana!

It will be much appreciated!


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