littering part of Detoxing
In a message dated 10/28/05 6:51:12 PM, oh.kneel@... writes:
Have you tried holding out by not doing anything else for him or with him
until he picks it up?
Have you tried just asking him what the deal is?
Has this just started lately?
Were you spanking before and now you're not so he's celebrating? (Are there
other factors you're not sharing, is what I mean mostly.)
When you're out in public do you pick up other people's trash and comment on
how nice it is when people put their trash in trash cans? Could you get him
to help you pick trash up in a park or somewhere?
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> -=-Another on going challenge dsYou've tried making jokes about it?
> just takes something he does want and throws it on the floor. (I
> have asked if he could put it in the garbage or give it to me or
> leave it on the table.....) -=-
Have you tried holding out by not doing anything else for him or with him
until he picks it up?
Have you tried just asking him what the deal is?
Has this just started lately?
Were you spanking before and now you're not so he's celebrating? (Are there
other factors you're not sharing, is what I mean mostly.)
When you're out in public do you pick up other people's trash and comment on
how nice it is when people put their trash in trash cans? Could you get him
to help you pick trash up in a park or somewhere?
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