(Fwd) [shs] OT FW: [ast-apbt-fast] News from Germany
Tracy Oldfield
I find this particularly scary, being in Britain and seeing how much
influence Germany has in the European Union.
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To: taffie@..., [email protected]
From: MCM <ridgebak@...>
Date sent: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 09:25:58 -0500
Send reply to: [email protected]
Subject: [shs] OT FW: [ast-apbt-fast] News from Germany
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Permission to forward the following is granted.
During the past several weeks there have been some
strange developments in
Germany regarding dogs. Germany, through local and
national legislation,
has banned about 40 dog breeds ranging from any sort of
Bulldog (even little
ones) to Mastiffs to various Hounds, virtually any dog
over 16 inches,
depending on where in the country you live. People
walking dogs are being
attacked on the street with guns and sticks. Even a
Labrador was beaten to
death. It is some sort of mass hysteria and is getting
very little
international press coverage. Germany is a very
influential member of the
European Union. If they pass such laws, they will
eventually be brought to
the Union and passed. With the strong pressure within
UN and by the WTO for
a broad-ranging set of international laws, such
legislation will eventually
reach North America. Please take this seriously and
write to President
Clinton asking if he is aware of the situation in
Germany and telling him
that you are.
If you speak German you will find German-language
information on the net
regarding this. Please write to German officials,
particularly the Minister
of the Interior, Holstein, who seems to be a big mover
in this matter.
If this is of no interest to you, I apologize. If you
would like more
information, please write to me as I have a great deal
of anecdotal info,
which seems to differ somewhat from what the official
online news resources
are saying. Finally, if this all comes to pass, it is
hoped that people
will be allowed to get their animals out of the
country. If you feel you
would like to provide a home for one of these dogs, let
me know.
I am a Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder. Although RRs are
not on the list, they
might as well be. I already know of one unborn litter
of pups that have no
homes because people are afraid. In some small areas
of Germany RRs are on
the list.
The official list:
1. American Pitbull Terrier bzw. Pit Bull Terrier
2. American Stafford Terrier bzw. American
Staffordshire Terrier
3. Staffordshire Bullterrier
4. American Bulldog
5. Bandog
6. Bullmastiff
7. Bullterrier
8. Bordeaux Dogge, Dogue de Bordeaux
9. Dogo Argentino
10. Fila Brasileiro
11. Kangal (Karabash)
12. Kaukasischer Owtscharka
13. Mastiff
14. Mastin Espanol
15. Mastino Napoletano
16. Tosa Inu<
today -
influence Germany has in the European Union.
------- Forwarded message follows -------
To: taffie@..., [email protected]
From: MCM <ridgebak@...>
Date sent: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 09:25:58 -0500
Send reply to: [email protected]
Subject: [shs] OT FW: [ast-apbt-fast] News from Germany
[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]
Permission to forward the following is granted.
During the past several weeks there have been some
strange developments in
Germany regarding dogs. Germany, through local and
national legislation,
has banned about 40 dog breeds ranging from any sort of
Bulldog (even little
ones) to Mastiffs to various Hounds, virtually any dog
over 16 inches,
depending on where in the country you live. People
walking dogs are being
attacked on the street with guns and sticks. Even a
Labrador was beaten to
death. It is some sort of mass hysteria and is getting
very little
international press coverage. Germany is a very
influential member of the
European Union. If they pass such laws, they will
eventually be brought to
the Union and passed. With the strong pressure within
UN and by the WTO for
a broad-ranging set of international laws, such
legislation will eventually
reach North America. Please take this seriously and
write to President
Clinton asking if he is aware of the situation in
Germany and telling him
that you are.
If you speak German you will find German-language
information on the net
regarding this. Please write to German officials,
particularly the Minister
of the Interior, Holstein, who seems to be a big mover
in this matter.
If this is of no interest to you, I apologize. If you
would like more
information, please write to me as I have a great deal
of anecdotal info,
which seems to differ somewhat from what the official
online news resources
are saying. Finally, if this all comes to pass, it is
hoped that people
will be allowed to get their animals out of the
country. If you feel you
would like to provide a home for one of these dogs, let
me know.
I am a Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder. Although RRs are
not on the list, they
might as well be. I already know of one unborn litter
of pups that have no
homes because people are afraid. In some small areas
of Germany RRs are on
the list.
The official list:
>die 16 Rassen, die in der Kamfpfhunde-VO aufgenommenwerden sollen, =
1. American Pitbull Terrier bzw. Pit Bull Terrier
2. American Stafford Terrier bzw. American
Staffordshire Terrier
3. Staffordshire Bullterrier
4. American Bulldog
5. Bandog
6. Bullmastiff
7. Bullterrier
8. Bordeaux Dogge, Dogue de Bordeaux
9. Dogo Argentino
10. Fila Brasileiro
11. Kangal (Karabash)
12. Kaukasischer Owtscharka
13. Mastiff
14. Mastin Espanol
15. Mastino Napoletano
16. Tosa Inu<
>>The German parliament concurs with the stateparliaments and joined in the
>>tirades of the boulevard press for political gainfrom the horrible death
>ofnot show the least
>>a small boy.
>>For years the politicians and government offices have
>>interest in even starting to deal with such criminals.families are branded
>>Now hundreds of thousands of dog owners and their
>>criminals and discriminated against by the parliamentand state
>parliaments.right to tell a
>>In a country where the government thinks it has the
>>neighboring states which of its democraticallyelected parties can
>>participate in forming the government, dog owners aretreated rudely, spit
>>at and beaten on the open streets. Honorable familymen leave their houses
>>after dark to avoid the mob, which has been incitedby the politicians.
>>Schleswig Holstein called
>>To top it off the minister for the interior of
>>the citizens to denounce dog owners with theregulatory government
>>declare publicly, and
>>With my sense of honor and justice violated I hereby
>>ask all dog owners who agree to do the same, that Ifeel discriminated by
>>the German parliaments who are imposing their will onme.
>>not able to bring the
>>Politicians, who for reasons of party politics are
>>simplest of foundations of our living as a communityin tune with reality,
>>want to tell us when we must go shopping, what we eatand watch on TV and
>>what dogs we can own.scientific research
>>Our politicians have in one breath ignored the entire
>>the last 40 years from Konrad Lorenz to Eric Zimen to
>>Feddersen-Petersen at the institute for house animalsat the University of
>>Kiel and the results of the German veterinariansmeeting. Since their own
>>guesses count for more than the judgment of theexperts I ask myself if we
>>are governed on the basis of guesses and chance. Ifthe breed lists do not
>>sound snazzy enough a few breeds are quicklyinvented, such as the
>>the roman and Chinese fighting dog so they can bedisallowed again and to
>>give the impression of surpassing the otherregulations.
>>loudly and stop this mass
>>I hope that our scientists speak out clearly and
>>dying brought on by the politicians ineptness.be made the slaughter
>>I ask the humane societies and veterinarians not to
>>houses of a misguided policy. Aggressive biters mustbe put down
>immediatelythe US watch the
>>as they pose a danger to us all. Germans living in
>>happening in Germany with dismay, they cannotunderstand why the most
>>popular American pets; the staffordshire terrier andthe stafforshire
>>Bullterrier are denounced as fighting dogs in Germanyand why we do not
>lockthe Bullterrier
>>up the criminal dog owners who endanger the public.
>>No dog owner should say it is not his/her concern,
today -
>>the German Shepherd tomorrow and the king poodle theday after tomorrow.
>>we do not all stick together then one breed after theother will vanish
>>based on the arbitrary will of the state and due todumb politics. No
>>politician can explain how some dogs show up on thedifferent lists.
>>hunger for ratings
>>The press as well must answer the question why their
>>not led to far and just how far the freedom of thepress goes.
>>unchanged. I ask
>>This file may be copied freely as long as it remains
>>webmasters to repost and people who like dogs to passthis on.
>> > Jörg Dickmanns
>> > Stralsund
>> > joerg@...
>> > http://www.joergdickmanns.de
>Where do sports heroes like Derek Jeter, Mia Hamm,list at
>Vince Carter and Peyton Manning hang out? Where else?
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