
Does anyone's kids play this game? My daughter is having trouble creating the Sea Lion show she wants, can't seem to get water AND land in her show. Google comes up with cheat codes to get awards and stuff but I can't figure it out for her either. Can anyone help?


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Katy Jennings

<<<<<Does anyone's kids play this game? My daughter is having trouble creating the Sea Lion show she wants, can't seem to get water
AND land in her show. Google comes up with cheat codes to get awards and stuff but I can't figure it out for her either. Can anyone help?


Uh, I probably play more than my son does <g>. Have you tried the help section of the game? Also, I think the website has a hints section.

I have never done a sea lion show, but I was having trouble doing a sea lion exhibit with both land and deep water, I had to put two exhibits right next to each other; one land and one water (with a water tank wall around the water exhibit, and a regular fence around the land exhibit). If you make the walls that are shared the same height, the sea lions can go between exhibits. I assume you could do the same thing with a show tank, make it share a wall with a land exhibit, then make the walls the same height. You will probably have to make a moat or another fence around the exhibits to keep the sea lions from escaping. You can also sink the land exhibit a little, then the rock sides of the exhibit act like fences, but I don't know if that would work in conjunction with a show tank.


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Thanks, Katy. I'll print that out for her. I personally haven't played at all, so I'm no help. <g>


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