Anna Wolfe

hi glenda in OK,
don't worry, you are in the right place!!!
my son, 12, out of ps for 2 years, has only recently
begun to attend to his personal grooming in the way
that i would like.
the tooth brushing is a health issue, you might try
what I did, take him to the dentist for a teeth
cleaning, which he found so painful it gave me
leverage to get him to brush his teeth.
I think I did force my son to trade in dirty clothes
for clean ones about once a month. same with the ants
in his bedroom, I insisted in vacuuming up the crumbs
every so often.
but I see the whole problem as related to his
deppression. I'm new to this list, but I see having
honest discussions with him about how I authentically
feel about him to be part of unschooling (example:
"get your stinky feet out of my face!!! p.u.! boy,
smelling like that, you'll definitely be stuck at home
with me for your whole life, because only your mother
can love you like that!") obviously one does not make
comments like this when he is really down, but waits
till the right moment.
deppression can sometimes take a long time to heal,
especially after you finally dump the drugs, the
school, the dad, everything that wasn't working, and
get cozy at home together. I saw it as a second
infancy with my son.
don't worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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