
Hi Katy,

After reading some of the other posts, I would like
to add that,
the best sources of legal information will come from
in-the-know in your state, as well as experienced
online sources.

Here are 2 of the best:

I would caution you not to rely on an attorney without
in advocating for homeschoolers. There may be too
much of a
learning curve for them to overcome. You need
And right-now. The sources above will supply you with

Also, just as you don't want to invite in authorities
without a
warrant, likewise, I would not offer anything beyond
that which
proves you're legal and that your child is healthy.

CPS has no business evaluating your records. Should
they do
so and decide that they aren't sufficient, then
another Pandora's
box could be opened.

If you stick to the basics; refuting the charges being
and supplying enough verification to negate the
potential of a
warrant being issued, you should come out of this OK.

One more thing: exhibitng the posture of a secure,
intelligent parent and "educator" will work in your

Knowing the law, being able to properly refer to the
that pertain to you, as well as rattling off a list of
organizations, activities and "enrichment
opportunities" from
which your son benefits in his individualized
educational plan ...

I'm sure you get the message. Speaking as a teacher
at a
parent-teacher conference would, will further your
image as a
competent mother-teacher to the bureaucratic powers
that be.
When in Rome ...

Be brave and confident.


: D Melinda

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In a message dated 4/22/2005 10:42:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
melinda2u@... writes:

Also, just as you don't want to invite in authorities
without a
warrant, likewise, I would not offer anything beyond
that which
proves you're legal and that your child is healthy.

CPS has no business evaluating your records. Should
they do
so and decide that they aren't sufficient, then
another Pandora's
box could be opened.


That's all true.
It maybe be that if she agreed for them to come back, they're coming back,
Depends on the state, the county, whether she signed something maybe.

I would DEFINITELY ask for the records in advance. There might be something
in there that lets you know who reported it, and it's possible that would
help. If it's an ex-anything (boyfriend, in law, husband, best friend) it
could be harrassment, and all KINDS of government workers are familiar with being
used as pawns in other people's personal vendettas, and they don't like it

If it's a neighbor just being irritated that kids are there in the daytime,
that's a different kind of complaint again.

The family I know best who got visits didn't get them for homeschooling.
They had adopted three kids and so they were already a case file with agencies.
Homeschooling was just one more thing for them to ask about.


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