
Hello, we have dedided to unschool our children, and after reading this
board, it seems that get togethers seem to be an integral part of the
program. In one thread, someone expressed concern about "fitting in"
with an existing group. I am curious about anyone who
has "experimented" with this by first having a play date with only one
other family, and then joining that other family's already established

Pam Sorooshian

Unschooling/unschooling-friendly groups tend to be informal. Just show
up to a park day, see how you feel about what goes on there - how the
other parents treat their children is MY most important concern.

A too-formally organized group, one with bylaws and membership
requirements, won't likely be a good fit for an unschooling family.

If your children have qualms about going to a group, then getting
together with one of the families with kids about their age might be a
good way to start out.

But, be patient when you go to the group - it can take a while for kids
to feel comfortable and make friends.


On Apr 22, 2005, at 6:49 AM, cordjax wrote:

> I am curious about anyone who
> has "experimented" with this by first having a play date with only one
> other family, and then joining that other family's already established
> group.