This is a shameless appeal for funds I posted at the other
day. I've been meaning to put it at UnschoolingDiscussion and AlwaysLearning
too, and ever day I'd forget or be rushed and put it off. I have a drawer
full of tapes and sticks, a BIG jar of seeds, and a sweet kid who's going to
England. Please consider helping me out. Thanks.
By _Sandra Dodd (Sandradodd)_
( on Thursday,
April 14, 2005 - 10:53 am:
Holly's going to England in a month and is being scheduled to do a workshop
at HesFes, probably on Tuesday afternoon, a smallish thing, to discuss
teenagers and unschooling. She might be talking about her brothers and some of our
other unschooled friends as much as about herself.

She's going to England to visit friends she's known as long as she can
remember, from here, who've lived there for six years. She'll get to go to France
for a wedding while she's there, too.
It's all very cool, but Keith is in the hospital and Holly is worried about
not having any spending money while she's there, and that's smaller than my
worries about the situation, but...

In conjunction with the news that this message board will be retired, I'd
like to sell off the tapes I have, and Thinking Sticks, and I have morning
glory seeds I collected from my many vines last year, too. I'd like to do a
selling push so that I'll have money to transfer to Holly while she's there
without having to trouble Keith for it if he's still sick, and it would reassure
Holly to know I have a fundraising plan for her so she'll have spending money
while she's there.

I have two tapes available, one on Peaceful Parenting and an intro to
unschooling, but I'll put the details elsewhere for fear of violating policies
here. I'll put info here very soon:
_ (

Oh, and HesFes is in SW England, and is short (I think) for Home Educators'
Seaside Festival.


By _Sandra Dodd (Sandradodd)_
( on Friday,
April 15, 2005 - 08:50 pm:
_ (
That page is all set and ready to go.

Please, if anyone uses the PayPal link and it has any problems with it,
please let me know. And if you did use that, it should take you to a thank-you
page with other details. Please let me know if that's not working.

Keith's still in the hospital for at least three or five more days (maybe
more, depending on what happens with the next round of tests, which can't be
done for three or five more days). Luckily, Holly is playing Halo II online and
being merrily distracted.

And our clothes dryer broke. I have contracted to buy a used one. I'm not
just whining now. It's an appeal for sympathy (although honestly deserved
sympathy!! ) and further sales tallies.
--------------[Update on Keith 4/18: He might be out of the hospital today
or tomorrow. He had a CAT scan this morning and things look good enough to
send him home. He's got a tube and a drain (gross to describe, so I won't)
and is weak and doesn't eat much, but he might as well lie around and watch
good movies at home as lie around and watch bad cable in the hospital. At least
here we won't keep waking him up to ask if he's asleep. He's on short-term
disability and will be out of work for a while.]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Julie W

I'd be willing to just pitch in $5 for Holly's trip and because a friend
gave me some Thinking Sticks once, but paypal does not take me to a
welcome page. Is your paypal your email?
BTW, how is Keith doing?

Julie W in AR

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 4/18/2005 5:22:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
jjjwoolfolk@... writes:

-=-I'd be willing to just pitch in $5 for Holly's trip and because a friend
gave me some Thinking Sticks once, but paypal does not take me to a
welcome page. Is your paypal your email?-=-

Yes, thanks. My wombat isn't working anymore?
Darn it. Thanks for letting me know.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 4/18/2005 5:22:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
jjjwoolfolk@... writes:

I'd be willing to just pitch in $5 for Holly's trip and because a friend
gave me some Thinking Sticks once, but paypal does not take me to a
welcome page. Is your paypal your email?


It worked for me, from _

Keith's home but weak and not eating much. He slept this afternoon but said
he was having woozy weird half-dreams. Bummer. I thought his own bed would
make it all better. He has fever but not a high one.


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