
That's so sad. I don't know how long it's been this way, but Margaux wanted the address today and came to me all sad that it's just a tour now for free. :o(


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In a message dated 4/1/05 12:00:36 PM, ms_fausey@... writes:

<< That's so sad. I don't know how long it's been this way, but Margaux
wanted the address today and came to me all sad that it's just a tour now for
free. :o( >>

-=-that it's just a tour now for free. -=-

What es that mea

Yesterday was my 21st wedding anniversary. It's easy to remember, March 31,
because when we were planning the wedding, Keith said he could wake up the
next morning and say "APRIL FOOL'S!"

Don't believe everything you read on the internet today.


Marty had already told me Homestar Runner had an April Fool's thing going,
but PLEASE don't anyone miss seeing it. Anyone who has ever liked Homestar
Runner should look.

_http://www.homestarrunner.com_ (

Click whatever it will let you click. Don't miss the 7 second free trial.
If you fill out the order form, it will tell you when your package will
And there's a sample cartoon. Art humor.

It might all be gone tomorrow, to check it out!

If the rates were worrying you, wait until you see that it's $9.95 per month
or $499.95 per week, annual savings.

Kids might even have more fun than moms, but I doubt it!


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