nancy sebastian

I agree. My husband did not want me to homeschool any
of my children. As far as unschooling he still does
not understand but he is learning (i hope):) My
youngest told his dad the other day that being
unschooled was alot better for him than ps. And my
hubby and i talked and he has seen improvements on the
kids behavior,attitude,and even there sleeping
habits.(they want to stay up all night and sleep all
day) but that is the only thing has said bad about
being homeschooled.. and he was my biggest problem
with doing all this. Other than my dad. he would come
up and visit and say wow it don't look like you guys
are doing any school work. and i would have one on the
computer playing a game and the other two was sitting
there playing a board game with me. um what do you
guys think i should tell him the next time he says
that. thankyou for letting me put my two cents in..
--- Ruth <grayfamily9@...> wrote:

God Bless You

In a message dated 3/11/2005 9:10:51 PM Mountain Standard Time,
squirlygirl1970@... writes:

. Other than my dad. he would come
up and visit and say wow it don't look like you guys
are doing any school work. and i would have one on the
computer playing a game and the other two was sitting
there playing a board game with me. um what do you
guys think i should tell him the next time he says


You might say "Learning doesn't have to be work. The have "work" at school
and kids aren't doing it, and they're not learning. They learn to hate
learning, hate math, hate history..."

Don't say it all at one time, though. It makes too long a speech.

Maybe the best thing to do is to ask if he wants to know more about what
you've learned about how kids can learn without school methods. If so, lend him
a book you've read that helped you, or at least a chapter or two.

I have told people before that if I thought school's methods worked, I'd
send them to school. If they're going to be home, we can do better things.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

nancy sebastian

thankyou sandra. that is a good idea.
--- SandraDodd@... wrote:

God Bless You