Joni Zander

> I do not hate my MIL, but I do pity her. I've never met (I've known her
> for more then 20 yrs) a more unhappy person in my life. She makes
> everyone around her miserable (she has always been like this dh says)
> to
> the point that none of her kids that live near-by want to visit.
> It makes you wonder what her real story is....
> I wonder if someday when she dies we'll discover old diaries from a
> young woman who had dreams to go off somewhere and travel the world but
> instead spent her life in a very small Kentucky town because she got
> pregnant and had to marry a man who, though very wonderful, she did not
> love. Or maybe there is some dark family secret from when she was young
> that she has never gotten past....maybe my FIL was actually a
> philandering husband who never gave her the love she needed but instead
> held down a good job, provided well for her and helped her raise 4
> great
> sons. It could just be she wanted to work and was instead stuck by the
> mores of the times at home.

This reminds me of the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. If you
haven't seen the movie (I haven't read the book, so I don't know how
closely the movie follows the book) see it soon. Ha, what if you saw
it with her! That could be a trip!

Joni Zander

Joni Zander

> Can kids or adults really learn when they are bored? Can they?

Of course we learn when we're bored. Just not what the "teachers" want
us to learn!

Being bored can be great for daydreaming - inventing - meditating...
all wonderful learning experiences!

Joni Zander