
I love having my kids around. I love it that they are interested
in all the seemingly little things that go on in our lives. Today
we were headed down to the social security office to get our baby
a #(tax time is near:), and on the way our 8yo dd asked why we had
to go there. I told her the baby needs a ss #. Then she asked if
she could get one too. When I told her she had one, she was so
excited and wanted to what it was(hers personally and why a person
needed one in general). I had printed the application off the
ss website, and in looking for it had discovered some fun facts
about ss #'s and printed them off for dh and I to read. We had
brought that all along w/us so I passed back the printouts for my
kids to see and incredibly enough, they loved it! One was the
history of ss, one was about the most misused ss card in history,
and then one was about wether or not you can tell where someone
was born based on their ss #. All of it dh and I found interesting,
so I shouldn't be surprised that the kids did too. It's just
really *fun* to have your kids share your interest in something :)
It hasn't gotten old yet, and I'm hoping it never does :) krista