old electronics
Barbara Chase
>My scanner quit working a couple of years ago. I really should getHere in CA we have computer and electronic donation centers, where you can
>another one. I was having lots of fun with making art for webpages, while
>it lasted. A bulb went bad, and nobody will fix cheap scanners, because
>it's cheaper, it seems, to just do new ones. Sad for the dump.
take pretty much anything that's of an electronic nature and they will fix
it up and find a new home for it (usually the school system.) There are
some things you have to pay a fee for, like monitors, but it's a lot better
than the dump. All donations are tax deductible. We originally found out
about it from our local school district. Don't know if it's just a CA
thing, or a Silicon Valley thing, but maybe it's becoming more common.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >My scanner quit working a couple of years ago. I really should getwhile
> >another one. I was having lots of fun with making art for webpages,
> >it lasted. A bulb went bad, and nobody will fix cheap scanners, becauseSearch for freecycle instead of the dump. You offer free things from your
> >it's cheaper, it seems, to just do new ones. Sad for the dump.
home and the one who wants it comes to pick it up. And yes they will take
all kinds of broken things. There is always someone able to fix them. You
can offer anything but meds. Even pets on some free cycle boards. It's to
help keep the dumps from filling up.
Mary B
thanks for posting this. Dh and I were just
today trying to figure out how to get rid of
our elliptical machine. As for old electronics,
sometimes we let the kids take them apart to
explore the inside. I think that's gotten old
though because we found our old camera and offered
them to do that today (we had a going-through-old-stuff-day)
and nobody wanted to :( krista
--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, "Mary" <mummy124@b...>
today trying to figure out how to get rid of
our elliptical machine. As for old electronics,
sometimes we let the kids take them apart to
explore the inside. I think that's gotten old
though because we found our old camera and offered
them to do that today (we had a going-through-old-stuff-day)
and nobody wanted to :( krista
--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, "Mary" <mummy124@b...>
>from your
> Search for freecycle instead of the dump. You offer free things
> home and the one who wants it comes to pick it up. And yes theywill take
> all kinds of broken things. There is always someone able to fixthem. You
> can offer anything but meds. Even pets on some free cycle boards.It's to
> help keep the dumps from filling up.
> Mary B