all peace better than change-from-not-peace?
In a message dated 2/10/05 10:05:11 PM, pamsoroosh@... writes:
<< And I think you have a lot of insight, to realize that the process in
and of itself will have a positive impact. Heck, Heather, who knows?
Maybe they're BETTER off getting to see us figure things out than if we
HAD it all figured out from the beginning. It is possible.
non-violent with her that maybe she hadn't thought about those things as much as those
who were spanked and punished.
I think groups like this are good because we can share experiences and not
everyone has to go through all the "oop"ses of life to get to see the effects of
(Pam, please clarify if I've missed the gist of your point about the benefit
of change.)
<< And I think you have a lot of insight, to realize that the process in
and of itself will have a positive impact. Heck, Heather, who knows?
Maybe they're BETTER off getting to see us figure things out than if we
HAD it all figured out from the beginning. It is possible.
>>Pam has said in the past that because her parents were peaceful and
non-violent with her that maybe she hadn't thought about those things as much as those
who were spanked and punished.
I think groups like this are good because we can share experiences and not
everyone has to go through all the "oop"ses of life to get to see the effects of
(Pam, please clarify if I've missed the gist of your point about the benefit
of change.)